Trending Programming Tips
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Tanja Pislar
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Fun with Lamda in Ruby
Georges Jentgen
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Faster page loads with Turbolinks
Rico Sta. Cruz
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Change icon of Sublime Text 2
Fabiano Leite
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How to kill all Postgres connections
Mikael Henriksson
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Open recent files in your editor
Marco Hamersma
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Symfony2.1: Adding (and/or Removing) fields using Event Subscribers
Andréia Bohner
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Resize images on client-side before sending it to your server
Endel Dreyer
2 responses
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Heroku, Rails 3.2.11, Assets.
Damian Le Nouaille
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Hunting "space hogs" on remote servers with ncdu
Stanislaw Pusep
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Getting Current Location with Javascript
Andy Lin
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Dynamic RSpec Tests
Ted Nielsen
1 response
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Convert dates in perl ( str2time )
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Common error in json string
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Open last generated migration easily in your editor
Adan Alvarado
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Redis memory usage
Damian Le Nouaille
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Symfony2: Using absolute URLs for your assets
Andréia Bohner
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Problem with ntfs drive and OSX
Rafal Bromirski
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Simple HTML/CSS(3) Styled Checkbox
Steven Wade
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Please support my project "We Love Icon Fonts"
Tim Pietrusky
0 responses
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