Trending Programming Tips
Your Front-end more Faster
Rafaell Lycan
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css, sublimetext, front-end, html
Write HTML/CSS faster.
3 responses
css3, html5
A .travis.yml for Symfony2 Bundle
Edoardo Rivello
0 responses
test, travis, github
Generate large file via Rails
Andrei Subbota
0 responses
rails, stream
Quick and dirty stopwatch via the Mac Terminal (works on any *NIX system, Id guess)
Dominik Pich
2 responses
terminal, unix, stopwatch
Install powerline on OSX mountain lion
Enrique Vidal
6 responses
python, vim, homebrew, macvim
Use Heroku on C9
Stuart P. Bentley
3 responses
heroku, cloud9
Iterate few lists with Perl
0 responses
perl, array, list, iterator
Becoming a better Vim user and preserving your hands simultaneously
Daniel Levin
0 responses
vim, productivity
Incremental backups for PostgreSQL
Bartłomiej Danek
1 response
s3, aws, bash, postgresql
better python package index
Gilles Devaux
0 responses
python, pypi
PHP Benchmark
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
php, performance, benchmark
Setting max file descriptors and other limits with upstart on debian/ubuntu
Rich Paret
2 responses
debian, ubuntu, upstart, ulimit
Rails, FactoryGirl and has_and_belongs_to_many
Jens Grassel
0 responses
ruby, rails, rspec, factory girl
never use maximum-scale=1.0
Livingston Samuel
0 responses
mobile, accessibility, ux
Be warned when having more than 1 git stash
Guillaume Hain
1 response
stash, git
Commonjs - why and how
Victor Zamfir
2 responses
amd, javascript, commonjs
Fix Java Swing font rendering
0 responses
linux, font, swing, intellij
Use IE on OSX with Wine
Rico Sta. Cruz
0 responses
osx, ie, mac
Running Rails 3.2.x under IIS 7.5, using SQL Server, and keeping the Asset Pipeline.
Andrew McElroy
1 response
rails, windows, ruby 1.9.4, iis 7.5
Shorthand expression of JS objects in CoffeeScript
Paul Jensen
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