Trending Programming Tips
Rails 4: Dynamic SMTP Settings
Aditya Sanghi
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rails, rails4, mailers
Layout "hell" in Rails
Bryan Mikaelian
1 response
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3 common Scrum Master Mistakes to Learn From
Jesper Rasmussen
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development, workflow, scrum
Simple HTTP server from Nautilus context menu
Dmitry Pashkevich
0 responses
nautilus, cli, unix, webserver
Working with multiple statsd servers
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graphite, devops, statsd
The Existential Operator in CoffeeScript
Robert May
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coffeescript, rails
Nice compact and colorized git log
1 response
git log, git
FBMock - PHP mocking framework
Nathan Malcolm
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php, facebook, unit testing, mocking
Remove duplicate entries in OSX's "Open With" menu
Livingston Samuel
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osx, macosx, tips
SequelPro : Use it
Aditya Sanghi
0 responses
mysql, macosx, sequelpro
Writing HTML easily on decorator / helper
Alif Rachmawadi
1 response
ruby, rails, helper, draper
Change font-size in emacs dynamically based on screen resolution
Arnab Deka
0 responses
emacs, font, screen-resolution
Mark 80th column in Vim
Martin Trejo
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vim, vimrc, vim7.3
Sonata Admin Bundle User Password
1 response
php, symfony, password, bundle
Foreman: Sidekiq, Memcached, MailCatcher and Thin
Eduardo Martines
3 responses
ruby, rails, redis, memcached
Update version on rails migrations
Enrique Vidal
0 responses
ruby, rails, bash
Avoid Escaping PCRE Patterns
Alix Axel
0 responses
php, regex, regular expressions, pcre
Auto-center and auto-zoom a Google Map
Emmanuel Turlay
5 responses
js, googlemaps
Rails 4: before_filter and after_filter in your Mailers
Aditya Sanghi
0 responses
rails, rails4, mailers
a perfect circle div
ali mousavi
4 responses
css, border-radius, musyo, circle div
Sublime Text: The most badass config
Eduardo Martines
3 responses
sublime, sublime-text, sublime-text 2
Dangerous Rails Logging
Aditya Sanghi
0 responses
rails, debug, production
Colorful console.log
Anas Nakawa
3 responses
chrome, firefox, console, logging
Install MacVim on OSX and override system vim in one shot
Jason Whaley
0 responses
osx, vim, brew