Trending Programming Tips
Get Rendered Markdown in Mac OS X Quicklook
Eric Allam
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Debugging Knockout Model Bindings
Steve Duitsman
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knockoutjs, javascript
Bind css refresh to custom key shortcut in chrome
Kasper Mikiewicz
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css, chrome, js, reload
Speed up your site with Chrome Prerender
Eric Allam
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chrome, speed, prerender
avoid Eclipse
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android, ide
Learning php stuffs
Aleksandar Vučenić
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php, learning, beginners
Stay away from NULL
marcello righelli
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sql, database
Test as "other user"
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The Meteor Book
Sacha Greif
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meteor, javascript
Automated EBS Snapshots
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bash, aws
Internationalized JavaScript files in CodeIgniter
Alexandros D
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php, codeigniter, i18n, internationalization
Sort Lines of Text in Any OSX Application
Jeff Remer
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shell, terminal, xcode, osx
Install nokogiri gem on CentOS with prerequesites
Ivan Storck
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ruby, centos, nokogiri
Difference Between | (Single Pipe) and ||
1 response
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Bash xargs as a for loop
Julio A. Mistral
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shell scripting, bash
A good refresher on writing quality CSS
Jon Thomas
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css, oocss
Speedup rvm ruby on mac
Marcel Medak
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ruby, mac, performance, rvm
The Bestest Git Setup
Julio A. Mistral
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setup, git
Improved Sinatra Bootstrap
Bryan Mikaelian
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ruby, git, sinatra, organization
Groovy - pass Set as varargs
Baruch Sadogursky
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groovy, collections, set, varargs
iTerm2 quick full screen
Jessica Lam
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efficiency, iterm2, fullscreen
Create A Simple Git Timesheet
David Stump
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alias, git, bash, timesheet
Improve Doctrine performance up to 100% on your Symfony2 project
3 responses
php, doctrine, symfony2
Git Tips From the Pros
Marco Trulla
0 responses
scm, dvcs, vcs, git