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Flat UI HTML Elements for Twitter Bootstrap - free
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Vim Git Diff in the Gutter
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PHP: Short syntax for arrays
Osvaldo Zonetti
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Gem Authors: Think About Your Users!
Ian MacLeod
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Keep CSS classes out of your Angular controllers
Oliver Tupman
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Logging in Angular apps ... and how to filter those log messages
Oliver Tupman
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Need to write HTML for a Newsletter?
Markus Hausammann
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Extract key/value pairs from a hash in ruby using an array of keys.
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Strategy for selecting NodeJS module
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Syntax highlighting for Jade & Stylus in Sublime Text
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Heroku style Vagrant deployment demo for STHLM.js
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How many rows in the last minute?
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PHP :: Database Connection with file .ini
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Recursive find & replace with sed
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Lorem ipsum generator to Sublime Text 2
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Allow open ajax links in new tab
Alexandr Subbotin
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Git(hub): Merging from a forked repo
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You can specify ruby version for Bundler
Alexander Kirillov
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God for Process Monitoring
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, god, process monitoring
using * { box-sizing: border-box; } can prevent a lot of layout-headaches.
Max Strebel
1 response
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View OSX Download History
Justin Downing
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