Last Updated: September 09, 2019
· irony

Heroku style Vagrant deployment demo for STHLM.js

This is the demo by Christian Landgren, Iteam for STHLM.js in May 2013

About deployment / devOps

Why use think deployment during development? Find problems faster, less time spending troubleshooting differences, integration testing.

Get an instant production-like environment on your laptop.
Set up all depenencies with chef. Create your projects deployable from start.

Demo heroku

heroku create
git init
node app.js

Edit app.js and make it listen to the local port 3000 if it isn't already set by environment

app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);

Test your app in a browser http://localhost:3000

Add a Procfile

touch Procfile

Specify how your app is going to be started

web: node app.js

Finally push this to Heroku and watch the results

git add .
git commit -am "Initial commit"
git push heroku
heroku open

This is perfect for getting your app "up there" as soon as possible. But there are a few things you should know, Websockets are not supported (yet) and if you want to use SPDY or other direct ways of communicating you are out of luck. Also the big advantage with node is it's resource free way of handling multiple connections so we don't want too much things in the way of our app. Let's go in to the SSH world ;)

So how do we get a Heroku-style deployment scenario without Heroku to our own servers or virtual servers?

Set up heroku-vagrant

vagrant init 

Change machine settings (choose local ip) and specify which OS you want to use.

The following box is preconfigured to match the specifications on Heroku as much as possible: do |config| = "heroku"
  config.vm.box_url = ""

And run vagrant up. The box will be downloaded and imported for you.

vagrant up     

Set up SSH keys

ssh vagrant@<server IP> "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" < ~/.ssh/    
git remote add origin vagrant@<server IP>:/home/vagrant/sthlm.js     

Demo git-deploy

gem install git-deploy     
git deploy setup     
git deploy init    

Edit deploy script in /deploy/restart

touch tmp/restart.txt     
echo "restarting Node.JS app" 
npm install    
npm test     
/opt/ruby/bin/foreman start    

Now you have your own heroku style cloud hosting sitting on your computer. Ready to use whenever you want to test your code. Just push with:

git push

And if you surf to the http://ip-adress:5000 you will see your express web