Trending Programming Tips
DIY Presentations with Bespoke.js
Mark Dalgleish
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css3, presentations, javascript
for a better _.template()
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underscore, template engine
Create AWS S3 Signed Requests with PHP
Felipe Brandão
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php, s3, aws, amazon
Advanced WordPress Loops with Advanced Custom Fields
Jared Hughes
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wordpress loops, advanced custom fields, wordpress
Mind the order of :includes for has_many :through
Robert Wünsch
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activerecord, rails, query
Run Code Sniffer on modified files
Steve Halford
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git, sniffer, phpcs, cs
Postgres, Rails, and Regex's
Jesse Wolgamott
1 response
rails, regex, postgres
Shell `cd`replacement
Marin Usalj
1 response
mneorr, shell, script, bash
Testing nibs (Kiwi, OCUnit, KIF, whatevs)
Adam Yanalunas
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cocoa, unittest, testing, kif
Extract Mac drivers from Bootcamp for Windows Laptop
Damon Aw
0 responses
mac, windows, bootcamp, devices
Random number generator in bash
Mark Wunsch
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shell, unix, bash
Use a better .htaccess
Nicholas Jordon
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php, shell, mobile, open source
SimpleHTTPServer on Python3
Sebastian Schuth
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python, server, utility
splice(0): the fastest way to copy a JS array
Jasper Palfree
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optimization, javascript
Image Cropping using UIBezierPath
Uzys Jung
1 response
bezierpath, image cropping
jQuery ain't jQuery no more...
Dominic Barker
9 responses
internet explorer, javascript, jquery
Flush DNS cache in OSX
Carlos Sanz García
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osx, cache, dns, util
A separate dev-database per git branch
Ahad Shafiq
0 responses
ruby, rails, databases, git
Usando Capybara externamente para testes ou automação
Stefano Diem Benatti
0 responses
ruby, poltergeist, capybara, robot
Make Visual Studio Save Smarter
Chris Missal
1 response
.net, visual studio