Trending Programming Tips
Some simple Swift Extensions (Strip HTML, RGB Color, Color invert, Dismiss modal segue)
Christian Weber
1 response
uicolor, programming, string, nsstring
Show some simple git branch graph on terminal
Norbert Melzer
0 responses
terminal, git, branching-graph
Disable TLS on boot2docker
eranga bandara
0 responses
devops, boot2docker, docker
indexOf() >= 0 ? No thanks
Tiago Almeida
0 responses
javascript, performance, js, bitwise
bbcli - browse BBC News in the command line.
Wesley Hill
1 response
python, terminal, cli, unix
tmux and vim don't have to be ugly
João Bernardo
7 responses
terminal, vim, unix, setup
Forgot to run a command as root?
Vinicius Souza
0 responses
terminal, sudo, bash
Detecting if an image is really an image
Berat Dogan
1 response
javascript, image detect
How to convince users to stay a little longer
Zac Echola
1 response
ux, branding
go test package in parallel
1 response
test, tool, testing, build
Generate your CHANGELOG.MD with GitHub Issues
0 responses
github, git, automation, changelog
Javascript, redefine unlimited number of setters with same function
Yannik Messerli
0 responses
javascript, oop, setters
Most use of $.extend, a cleaner way
Yannik Messerli
0 responses
javascript, jquery
Using git-patch for fun and profit
0 responses
git, bash
Angular Morphing Modal
0 responses
tags, comma separated
Deployment of static files in Django
Tomáš Ehrlich
3 responses
django, cache, aws, static
Download an artifact from using Maven
1 response
maven, java
JavaScript-style callbacks in Ruby
Leo Allen
0 responses
tags, comma separated
Autosave Vim when in iTerm/Tmux
Leo Allen
0 responses
tags, comma separated
How to use multiple Github accounts in the same computer
Vinicius Souza
4 responses
terminal, osx, mac, github
A for loop with range in AngularJS
Fabio Marasco
0 responses
javascript, angularjs, angular, angular filter
Do a Commit ignoring whitespaces
Carlos Suarez Fontalvo
0 responses
git, commit, whitespace, spaces
Sync Your Event Calendar with Google Calendar
Viktoria Langer
0 responses
·, scheduler, calendar, web development
Implementing the Geolocation API with Google Maps API
Matt Smith
0 responses
geolocation, google maps, html5, javascript
Change background color without CSS
Zac Echola
0 responses
css, responsive web design, html