Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· beratdogan

Detecting if an image is really an image

About Technique

HTTP protocol has really cool methods such as HEAD. HEAD method allows you to get only head data instead of head and body. Head data contains mimetype of the body, so we can rely on it to detect if it's really an image. Let's get it with JavaScript...

The Code

Sync Example

request = new XMLHttpRequest() 'HEAD', '', false

mimetype = request.getResponseHeader('content-type')
if mimetype.split('/').shift() is 'image'
    alert 'Image!'
    alert 'Not Image!'

Async Example

# Async example
request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.onreadystatechange = ->
    if request.readyState is 4
        mimetype = request.getResponseHeader('content-type')

        if mimetype.split('/').shift() is 'image'
            alert 'Image!'
            alert 'Not Image!' 'HEAD', '', true

As you can see, you can even detect huge images very quickly.

1 Response
Add your response

Well, I think it's just identifying whether the header begins from "image" or not. The header is able to be modified by the backend developer. e,g, Changing the header content-type to image/png, but the actual data is able to be application/json.

over 1 year ago ·