Trending Programming Tips
Dead simple pastbin service for programmers, pipe terminal commands, use files, images etc
Victor Bjelkholm
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, curl
Top 10 Articles about JavaScript UI Library Webix for 2014
Veronika Lindorenko
0 responses
javascript, typescript, nodejs, drag-and-drop
Script to update vim pathogen and bundles
Jens Grassel
0 responses
shell, vim, freebsd, git
Y'all, the bootstrap grid isn't compulsory.
Clara Beyer
2 responses
css, bootstrap, html
Add Public SSH Key to Remote Server in a Single Command
2 responses
shell, ssh, bash
Asciinema --max-wait sanity
Omar Abou Mrad
0 responses
linux, asciinema
Testing high concurrency http server
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tools, nginx, benchmark, nodejs
5 Reasons To Contribute To Open Source Projects
Joshua Walker
0 responses
tags, comma separated
Vertical Spacing for Bootstrap Columns
Peter French
4 responses
css, twitter-bootstrap, vertical-spacing
Components with structured markup in ember.js v1.10
Doug Puchalski
2 responses
ember.js, handlebars, htmlbars
Tips to be productive as a programmer
eranga bandara
5 responses
workspace, vim
Become root inside vim
eranga bandara
1 response
shell, vim
Docker tips
eranga bandara
0 responses
devops, cheatsheet, boot2docker, docker
How to use the angular-leaflet directive
Connor Leech
1 response
maps, javascript, directives, angular.js
Use vim to manipulate files in bash scripts
Jussi Kalliokoski
2 responses
shell, script, vim, scripting
Difference Between 2 JavaScript Arrays
Lee Crossley
0 responses
diff, js, prototype, array
Make the logo spin
Zac Echola
2 responses
tags, comma separated
Make sure it compiles before you make too many changes
James Nakano
1 response
tags, comma separated
Custom page in ActiveAdmin
Denis Savitskiy
0 responses
ruby, rails, slim, activeadmin
Removing space between elements with inline-block
Mikhail Cruz Andrade
2 responses
css, tip, display, align
Clean up a messy git repo!
Andrew Theken
2 responses
protip, git, bash
Setting up a development environment for JHipster application using Vagrant, Docker and Jenkins CI
0 responses
shell, vagrant, jenkins, devops
Elegantly remove a directory from $PATH in Bash shell
Robin Bate Boerop
1 response
shell, $path, bash
Google Maps iframe in Black and White
João Bernardo
0 responses
css, google, html, iframe
Command Line Execution
2 responses
linux, mac, command