Trending Programming Tips
Unleash the power of javascript console!
Willian Duarte de Andrade
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console, logging, sublime-text, javascript
Resize Textarea to fit Content
Mark Vaughn
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simple mysqli processor
Wayne Roddy
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php, form, simple, quick
Omniauth with multiple providers in a Rails/Mongoid app
José Manuel Escudero
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Use NetBeans Platform, don't reinvent the wheel!
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swing, netbeans platform
Column formatting in vim
Matthew Boehm
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vim, bash
Java Tip #1. Stop to use "toString" method!
Maks Atygaev
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Github keyboard shortcuts
Arnaud Rinquin
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The Boy Scout Rule
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Find out which application occupying a port in OSX
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Vim: Repeat everything
Anton Kalyaev
1 response
vim, repeat, commands
Benchmarking BSON, JSON, and Native Serializing in PHP
Trevor N. Suarez
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php, bson, mongodb, json
Clojure: use latest dependency versions automatically
Sam Halicke
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clojure, leiningen
Memoization with DOM selectors in JavaScript
Ben Howdle
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Pyramid-like view configuration in Django
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The good programmer
Devin Weaver
1 response
Understanding _.bind
Jimmy Chan
1 response
underscore, bind, javascript, function.bind
How to make a circular image with CSS only
Kamil W
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css, css3, images, html5
C# ArrayTypeMismatchException
Teddy Garland
1 response
arrays, c#, data types
Integrated Development Environment?
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sublime, vim, development, ide
Launch Sublime Text From the Command Line in Windows
Mitch Pronschinske
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command line, cli, sublime text 2, bash
How to configure Nginx
Alex Goretoy
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configuration, linux, nginx
Managing RAM and SWAP
Daniel Romero
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shell, server, hacking, kernel
Sync Your Nitrous.IO account with Linux or Windows via
Greg McKeever
0 responses
copy, sync,
How to fix NuGet package errors in Visual Studio when upgrading .NET Framework
Robert Greiner
0 responses
.net, visual studio, nuget, c#