Trending Programming Tips
Embed a subrepository within another Git repository
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CSS3 Hover Text Slide Effect
Richard Bray
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NITROUS.IO Box with Cloud9 IDE Editor
Bernhard Millauer
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Git: quick fix in a new branch from master
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git, quick fix
HTML5 Web Storage
Teddy Garland
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CSS triangles and cross browser compatibility
Alexey Plutalov
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Vagrant for the meek
Victor Prechtel
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Mongo error exception in initAndListen std::exception: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid, terminating
Piermaria Cosina
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[AngularJS] HTML5 Autocomplete
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
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use 3rd party Dependencies in Maven Project
Philipp Haußleiter
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maven, dependencies, deploy, local
Choose and specify a license for your open source project!
Mike Brevoort
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open source, license
Kissing Simplicity Goodbye
Jonathan Martin
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Find a Class in a bunch of JAR Files
Philipp Haußleiter
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find, batch, jar, class
alt+arrow keys produce [C [D
James D
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AngularJS widget and service for Facebook SDK
Ruiwen Chua
1 response
facebook, angularjs
Simulate network latency to debug connection timeouts
Michael Lex
1 response
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Stopping rails from duplicating JSON parameters in a root node
Andrew Hao
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ruby, rails, json, parameters
Fixing a corrupt local git repository
Jordan Klassen
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gerrit, git
iOS 7 Header View Size Debugging
David Kormushoff
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ios, objective-c
Silex Global variables
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php, silex
Defining the rendering mode in IE
Edilberto Ruvalcaba
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css, ie, ie8
A Great Tool for Facebook API
Eric Raio
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twitter, proxy, facebook, api
Configure RAM and CPU usage at Vagrant 2 Virtualbox VM
Victor Miroshnikov
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virtualbox, vagrant2