Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· seriousm

NITROUS.IO Box with Cloud9 IDE Editor

Nitrous.IO is a wonderful way to develop software in the cloud and I'm a participant from the first minute. The platform is still in BETA and lacks with a good code editor.

Cloud9 IDE exists since 2010 and offers cloud development as well as the Cloud9 IDE itself as open source on GitHub.

I love the Nitrous.IO and the Cloud9 IDE so I thought it would be cool to combine them to a unbeatable beast. I presume you created an account on both platforms to follow this Guide:

  1. Create a new NodeJS Box on Nitrous.IO
  2. Note the information about the new box
  3. Add a new SSH Workspace on Cloud9
    In my case the current version of node is v0.10.11 and is located in the Node Version Manager directory /home/action/.nvm/v0.10.11/bin/node.
  4. Copy the SSH Key shown in the Cloud9 window
  5. Create a new file on the Nitrous.IO under ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and paste the copied SSH Key as it is into the file. Save the file.
  6. You can now connect to the Nitrous.IO box via the Cloud9 IDE.

Enjoy C9 IDE code completion running on Nitrous.IO box (in this case a default Meteor project)


3 Responses
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I'm unclear on the concept. Doesn't C9 give you a virtual box? What would I gain by this?


over 1 year ago ·

As you might seen it's about augment with a better code editor, not to get rid of the VM of Cheers

over 1 year ago ·

Update as of 5/20/14....
I just used '/home/action/.parts/packages/nodejs/0.10.26/bin/node' as my Node.js binary path in cloud9 and it's working

over 1 year ago ·

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