Joined March 2013

Tom Caflisch

Rochester, MN

Posted to Primefaces > Richfaces over 1 year ago

We used to do it all the time. Primefaces should be irrelevant of deploying to a tomcat server though. I'd suggest you post specifics to your question on

Posted to Open a project in Atom editor over 1 year ago

Is there any way to open Atom and then open a project file structure within Atom?

I'm not 100% sure that line is even necessary. Try commenting it out and see if your app works. If not, can you copy and paste your entire vhost.conf file to a pastebin and put the link here so i can take a look at it?

Posted to Helpful PHP Output over 1 year ago

Great idea. I've always used
echo '<pre>'; print_r($str); echo '</pre>';
but never though to put it in a function like that.

Posted to alias beer="bundle exec rake" over 1 year ago

beer db:migrate. I'd be drunk as piss by the end of a project.

Posted to Primefaces > Richfaces over 1 year ago

@jgplc Good point about comparing apples to oranges, but i still see some of the same problems that i'm googling about for Richfaces 3.3 in Richfaces 4.x that have not been addressed.

To say that Richfaces 3.3 works almost perfect is a bold faced lie if you do anything with a remote level of complexity to it. For example, have you ever tried to do TRUE pagination with a richfaces datatable and datascroller? There are a bunch of answers on the net that spin you in circles and IF you do end up getting true pagination to work, it's more than double the code as if you would have written a datascroller for true pagination manually.

Also, have you ever used the rich:columns (different than rich:column) with a dynamic number of columns?

As written in my post, probably my biggest beef is that NO apps written in richfaces 3.3 will work with IE9, or IE10. They just flat out don't work unless you add a meta tag to render the browser in IE8 mode (This is a hack and I HATE having to write unnecessary hacks).

Although you have a good point about comparing a JSF 1.2 library with a JSF 2 library, IMHO Richfaces is a poor product no matter what language/version it was written for. It is very incomplete, and the online examples don't even have the backing bean code which compounds users problems.

Posted to Code blocks on GitHub and coderwall over 1 year ago

I was trying to use a code fence and it was not working in the preview. Thanks for letting me know that it does not work in preview, but works when published.

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