nice and useful!
I personally prefer using twitter Bootstrap, but this is a really good tutorial!
Useful! Thanks!
Nice :)))
First thing anyone going to work with Git should know. Useful tip!
Totally agree. Ask for anyone with some spare time to try and break your application. Only way to get to those really tricky bugs.
Cool name for a gem. I think i'm gonna give it a try in my next project.
Didn't thought of this before. Nice!
Nice and useful tip! Thanks!
Good tip! Very zen suggestion, it puts the everyday work into perspective.
nice and useful!
nice and simple! thanks for the tip!
nice! totally needed an input to go with the xs button.
I would add: better_errors gem. I found it very useful while developing.
nice and simple!
nice stuff!
simple and helpful. thanks!
I understand perfectly what you mean! We, at Creative Tim, try to do this exact thing. Build a community that stands at the border of Dribbble and Github. We have nice displays of design and also full functional code.
We are starting with our own products and advancing to also allow other people to post design work.
Here it is: You should check it out and tell us what you think!
Great tip! We have worked with the fullcalendar plugin too and we also made a new look for it. You can check it out at:
nice! i was looking for something like this!
nice tip!
nice and simple!
big fan of Bootstrap. I totally agree!
nice example!
Great to see on coderwall too! Keep up the good work guys!
great tip! keep up the good work!
Great tip!
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I have encoutered this problem too. Nice tip!