There should be a Github for designers
Not so much a tip, but an idea for someone to create/set up; so in that regards..
There should be a Github for designers, where developers who are not good at design (like myself) and fallback to Bootstrap can actually use open-source designs that are created with love by talented designers.
When the project gains momentum, so does the design. I see nothing but a win-win..
Written by Gerben Jacobs
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11 Responses
I have this idea once before but then I think:
a) someone out there must already have/been developing this
b) nothing wrong to apply on current github

Yeah, A) was a possibility.. but then I was hoping people would point me to one and for B) I'm not sure.. github is designed for code. The "Designers Github" should be more of a gallery. But, also with a lot of code snippets. Maybe Github could expand;
So why don't you make it? :) same reason as A)?

Have you ever had a look at Forrst/Dribbble? What are you exactly looking for?

The closest thing I can think of is Pixelapse or LayerVault although I can't really say they are are exactly like what you're asking.

Forrst and Dribbble are like galleries to show off your stuff and Pixelapse and LayerVault are like revision control.
I'm looking more for a 'free templates' kind of thing, but then with high standards!

Isn't deviantArt something like that?

So you actually prefer how github works, but you want something that shows design repo's like a gallery. Did you know that codeship (as example) uses the repositories of github to add additionally functionality. It wouldn't be that hard to actually allow login through Github on your website and parse repositories that have an index.html as a gallery.
Very interesting idea! Certainly like it. When do we start ;)

I think you are being quite vague and this is for a few reasons:
- You like GitHub
- You lack knowledge of how the design process works
It's all well and good but this is the same problem with your viewpoints onto others. Designers have not really found this as a problem or I am sure they would have posted it by now.
There are Bootstrap theme websites:
For designers, they prefer to share mockup tools plugins since the concept of design is on a per-project basis. Compare it to a repository/gem/node module/package. Here are some plugins:
If you are interested in learning more about design, here are some books:

I understand perfectly what you mean! We, at Creative Tim, try to do this exact thing. Build a community that stands at the border of Dribbble and Github. We have nice displays of design and also full functional code.
We are starting with our own products and advancing to also allow other people to post design work.
Here it is: You should check it out and tell us what you think!

If you're looking for more Bootstrap resources definitely check out