Popular Wordpress Programming Tips
Remote POST from WP to HipChat
0 responses
php, curl, wp, hipchat
Scanning for PHP malware backdoors
Derry Birkett
1 response
php, security, hacking, backdoor
How to change http header 'Content-type' in Wordpress
Romulo De Lazzari
0 responses
php, wordpress
Don't be a jerk, organize your code.
Nicholas Jordon
9 responses
jquery, ruby, php, python
Semantic UI for WordPress (Theme)
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
jquery, php, css, documentation
Superscript your ordinal numbers (2nd, 3rd, etc.) in WordPress post meta data
Devon Campbell
0 responses
typography, styling, ordinal numbers, wordpress
Wordpress widget title as class name
Leonardo Prado
2 responses
php, widgets, wordpress
WordPress multisite migration checklist
Austin Ginder
2 responses
migration, checklist, multisite, wordpress
WordPress post thumbnail alt
0 responses
php, thumbnail, wordpress, alt
Fixing Wordpress Comments
Callum Silcock
0 responses
jquery, css, fix, comments
Remove "Edit Permalink & View Post" buttons on Custom Post Type Edit Screens
2 responses
php, wordpress, functions
Avoid Syncing wp-content/uploads
Franklin Strube
3 responses
htaccess, mod_proxy, wordpress
Update wordpress without FTP
Mike Lyons
0 responses
php, permissions, apache, server
Responsive threaded comments
Eric Daams
1 response
css, responsive design, comments, threaded comments
WordPress Get Current term
raz ohad
0 responses
tag, categories, custom taxonomies, wordpress
Estimate Reading Time
Kevin Perrine
1 response
php, wordpress
Bootstrap 3 menus with WordPress menu manager
Edward McIntyre
1 response
walker, bootstrap, wordpress
Change the Default Media Upload Directory in WordPress 3.5
Jentan Bernardus
0 responses
php, development, wordpress
Using Ajax in Wordpress for external script
Oyewumi Abayomi
2 responses
php, ajax, error 404, wordpress
Add css class to wordpress thumbnails
Stanley Ojadovwa
0 responses
css, thumbnails, wordpress
Deploy WordPress using Docker and Dokku
Massimo Ronca
1 response
dokku, wordpress, wordpress deploy, docker
Easy nth-child fallback with iteration
Cory Simmons
3 responses
php, css, iteration, nth-child
Theme Wrappers™
Joel Kuzmarski
1 response
roots, scribu, wordpress
sql query to delete orphaned post meta in your WordPress database
Thibault Milan
0 responses
mysql, sql, wordpress
Amazon EC2 Wordpress Pretty Permalinks on LAMP
Dustin Johnson
2 responses
linux, apache, ec2, aws