Accelerate Your Web Development Skills
Use Markdown inside HTML blocks in Jekyll
Chris Albrecht
0 responses
ruby, html, markdown, jekyll
A Database Writers Can Use to Track Submissions
Dylan Kinnett
0 responses
php, mysql, database, html5
Online Deli Bar
Mohamed Moustafa
0 responses
jquery, responsive, html5, bar
Avoid HF&J's cloud.typography
Stephen Tvedt
0 responses
css, typography, html, web
Make Chrome DevTools responsive using media queries
Joel Day
0 responses
css, responsive, chrome, media queries
Create tab view without JavaScript
Tatu Kairi
0 responses
css, html, javascript
Animated Page Transitions in Rails 4 Apps
Justin Workman
11 responses
css, rails, coffeescript, javascript
Listen to changes on a contenteditable element
Conrad Gray
0 responses
javascript, html, conradgrey
Adding support for <!-- more --> tag to Jekyll without plugins
Max Glenister
0 responses
html, liquid, template, jekyll
Borders with box-shadow
Erik Royall
0 responses
css, technique
The Web Components Era: User Interfaces as a Service (UIaaS)
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
4 responses
css, javascript, webcomponents
iOS custom font limit?
0 responses
ios, fonts, custom, error
Bootstrap3 for Ruby on Rails
Junerey Casuga
2 responses
css, rails, js, bootstrap3
Responsive image replacement
Rob Wierzbowski
0 responses
css, responsive, images, fluid
standarise TransitionEnd
Sergi Meseguer
0 responses
css3, transition, javascript, transitionend
Fix WebKit vw bug
0 responses
css, css3, ceane, webkit vw bug
iOS7 Navigation Bar with HTML/CSS
Lee Crossley
0 responses
css, html, javascript, ios7
Font Smoothing in Firefox (Mac)
Ram Ratan Maurya
0 responses
css, firefox, webkit
Event Delegation with jQuery
Stephen Tvedt
1 response
jquery, web, frontend, html
Tired of compiling LESS files on save? try this
Ammar Alakkad
0 responses
css, less, ubuntu, css3
Getter Setter LocalStorage HTML5
Fendy Kusuma Wardhana
0 responses
html5, js, localstorage
Live CSS edit with Emmet.Livestyle
0 responses
css, chrome, sublime, workflow
How to do a personalisable error on your Website
0 responses
php, css, apache, error
Border Collapse without Tables
Jack Lukic
0 responses
css, html, ui, design