Accelerate Your Web Development Skills
strategy to deal with css bugs in android webview
Florin Cosmin
0 responses
css, webview, javascript, android
**Never**, ever forget browser prefixes for CSS keyframe animations. You just might smash your head on your keyboard if you do so.
0 responses
css, animation, keyframes, keyframe
IE8+ Retina and Responsive Images
Cory Simmons
0 responses
css, responsive, scss, retina
Less Transition Mixin..
Ali Duman
0 responses
css, html, less, transition
AngularJS running string (marquee alternative)
Evgeny Kolyakov
7 responses
css, html, mobile, angularjs
background-size and SVG
Robson Sobral
0 responses
css, webkit, svg
When using min-device-width, remember to set HTML min-width
Robson Sobral
0 responses
css, responsive, mobile, media-query
Display Emoji glyphs intermingled with arbitrary text
Marc Fornós
0 responses
css, fonts, emoji
How to disable hinting fonts style in Archbang
Morteza Nourelahi Alamdari
0 responses
fonts, display, archbang, openbox
Capybara/Selenium Cannot See a Given CSS
Ace Dimasuhid
0 responses
css, selenium, capybara
Speed Up Your Webpage By Using DNS Prefetching
Markus Perl
0 responses
php, html, dns
lazy-assets: An opinionated and simple build-system
Endel Dreyer
1 response
php, css, frontend, javascript
Compound Blur that's cross-browser and cross-device friendly
Jonathan James
0 responses
browser, javascript, blur, cross
CSS Vertical Text
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css, transform, rotate, vertical-text
Media Queries in JS
Nate Steiner
1 response
css, js, jquery, mediaquery
How to disable z-index of Youtube iFrame on IE
Paullo Norato
0 responses
css, hack, youtube, iframe
The Best Way To Optimize Images
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, python, css, open source
Titon Toolkit, the front-end UI library for the responsive, mobile, and modern web
Miles Johnson
0 responses
css, responsive, toolkit, mobile
Use DRY CSS for just typography styles
Jake Hickenlooper
1 response
css, typography, dry css
Never Refresh Again
Jim Greenleaf
0 responses
css, nodejs, webdev, grunt
Bootstrap Stage Free Themes
Bootstrap Stage
2 responses
css, html, open source, bootstrap
get rid of (full-url) in print-view if using bootstrap3
Marco Tralles
0 responses
css, bootstrap, print
Semantic templates with enlive and microdata
Aleš Roubíček
0 responses
microdata, template, html5, enlive
HUGO - A tool for building static websites
Tobias Trelle
0 responses
html, web, golang, go