Popular Ubuntu Programming Tips
Automounting second disk on Ubuntu
Alexandr Jeliuc
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ubuntu, automounting, fstab, mnt
Ubuntu: Essential packages for compile a program from source
1 response
linux, ubuntu
Fix WiFi after suspend/resume on Ubuntu
Owais Lone
0 responses
linux, macbook, ubuntu, wifi
add-apt-repository in Ubuntu 12.10
Dennis Timmermann
0 responses
ubuntu, 12.04, add-apt-repository, quantal
Ubuntu: How to change the Timezone
Sebastian Muszyński
0 responses
date, timezone, ubuntu
The best first move after installing Ubuntu is to replace Unity's HUD with Gnome Do.
David Dossot
0 responses
ubuntu, unity, gnome-do
Flush memcache entries
0 responses
mac, ubuntu, memcache
Autogenerate Dockerfile from ubuntu image
0 responses
ubuntu, docker
Kiran Gangadharan
0 responses
ubuntu, compiz
Upgrading PostgreSQL 9.1 to 9.3 in Ubuntu
0 responses
ubuntu, postgresql
Tired of compiling LESS files on save? try this
Ammar Alakkad
0 responses
css, less, ubuntu, css3
Adjusting the screen of Ubuntu in Virtual Box (Finally)
Tere Diaz
0 responses
virtual-box, ubuntu, resize-screen, windows
Show what apt-get installed.
Kevin Alford
0 responses
ubuntu, debian, apt
Easy Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu
Szikszai Gusztáv
0 responses
ubuntu, dnsmasq, virtual host, development server
How to know which Ubuntu version I am using
0 responses
cli, linux, ubuntu
Setting up RVM on Ubuntu
Rafael Kiyohiro Une
0 responses
ruby, rails, linux, rvm
rm -r ./~ is way way different than rm -r ~
Prashanth Sadasivan
0 responses
ec2, ubuntu, bash
Global menu enabled by default for Java Swing in Ubuntu 15.04
Amir Karimi
0 responses
java, ubuntu, ubuntu-15.04, jayatana
How to list all ubuntu installed packages?
0 responses
ubuntu, apt-get
PHPMyAdmin access forbidden on ubuntu
Muhamad Jakfar Shodiq
0 responses
ubuntu, phpmyadmin
OS X Restart Service Shortcut
Marc Qualie
0 responses
function, supervisor, ubuntu, bash
Quick toggle Microphone with notification in Ubuntu
0 responses
bash, ubuntu
Errors logging into FTP using virtual users
Rizwan Iqbal
0 responses
ubuntu, vsftpd
Installing specific version of Docker in Debian based distributions.
Jorge de los Santos Lanzas
0 responses
debian, ubuntu, docker