Popular Ubuntu Programming Tips
Connecting to a MSSQL Server With PHP on Ubuntu/Debian
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Sublime Text - Update
Débora Fernandes
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Set vim as default editor in Debian/Ubuntu
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Getting started with listening to ubuntu.
Siddhant Chothe
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Clean Ubuntu log safely script
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List installed ubuntu packages
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Reinstall flashplugin under Ubuntu
de henne
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Ubuntu 12.10 Setup
Swapnil Abnave
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create ubuntu server install usb
Chungsub Kim
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Instalando Node no Ubuntu
Leandro Araújo
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Sending emails with gmail's SMTP on a system with IPv6 enabled
Julio Betta
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Show top 30 files by size
Misha Behersky
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Sublime Automatically Creates 2-space Tabs When You Want 4-Space Tabs
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Apply command to a previous command in BASH
Mohammed Attia
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Redis install on Ubuntu
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Log navigation for your linux OS
Alexandr Jeliuc
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Install MongoDB on Ubuntu
Pavlo Sadovyi
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