Popular Tools Programming Tips
Generate your changelogs with Git log
Jerel Unruh
3 responses
changelog, git, github
Customize terminal with oh-my-zsh
eranga bandara
3 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, osx
Create new github repo from command line
9 responses
shell, curl, git, raineorshine
Fix apt on old unsupported Ubuntu releases
James Wyse
6 responses
fix, apt, errors, ubuntu
WinMerge as git difftool on Windows
Henrique Oliveira
4 responses
git, difftool, winmerge
Use NFS to speed up your Vagrant
Anton Kalyaev
19 responses
performance, virtualbox, vagrant
Give your Python program a shell with the cmd module
Austin Keeley
6 responses
python, shell, command line, module
Intellij IDEA how to upload project to remote branch?
0 responses
intellij idea, git
Send mail like a boss!
Ryan Yonzon
8 responses
terminal, linux, gmail, smtp
Python + Django + Apache + Ubuntu
Madhu GB
6 responses
python, django, apache, ubuntu
Connecting to a MSSQL Server/Database With PHP on Ubuntu/Debian
Shabbir Hassanally
2 responses
php, mysql, web, cli
Connect to MySQL in Vagrant with Sequel Pro
James D
15 responses
mysql, vagrant, sequel pro
Erase a Mac hard drive from the Terminal (when Disk Utility fails)
Mikkel Malmberg
1 response
terminal, os x, diskutility
Dump all variables
Lester Wade
8 responses
Github delete um fork ou um repositório
Débora Fernandes
0 responses
repository, fork, git, github
Limit ssh access by IP address
Cameron Oltmann
0 responses
linux, ssh
Split window with iTerm 2
Sean Yang
3 responses
shell, mac, iterm
Migrate existing android project to gradle
eranga bandara
3 responses
shell, build, gradle, android-studio