Popular Tips Programming Tips
Save a HUGE bandwidth cost in WordPress by automatically serving media contents from copy.com
Hasin Hayder
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Optimizing PHP
Diogo Parrinha
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Save time writing Java with Eclipse using save actions
Mark Vaughn
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Problem with ntfs drive and OSX
Rafal Bromirski
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How to be a better developer, employee, and freelancer. Interview with local PHP Guru David Rogers.
Jorge Colon
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Set Default Ruby Version Per Project
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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Omniauth Tips
Luis Ezcurdia
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Learning the UNIX command line on OS X
Chip Castle
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Inheritance Hierarchy of your Controller
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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Are you missing "sudo" on commands in terminal? Don't worry.
Mariz Melo
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5 nifty JavaScript tricks that you may not know
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PhoneGap performance tips
Babos Csaba
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How to use redeem codes wisely
Alex Hajdu
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Quick Way of Inspecting a Node.js Module
Irakli Nadareishvili
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Restore undo closed tab in sublime text
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Find files containing specific pattern among many similar files.
Vinit Kumar
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TCP Traceroute for when ICMP/UDP fail
Irakli Nadareishvili
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A collect of Little Known Mac OSX Tips, Ticks and Features
Tony Phipps
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Some cool stuff you should know about git #3
Radosław Jędryszczak
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Some cool stuff you should know about git #1
Radosław Jędryszczak
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Run a Process as a Daemon
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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[killer tips]Search code in all bundled gems
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Add some cool separators to your Dock
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Linux history - log date for records in history
Viesturs Proškins
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Spriting Tips
Ryan Locus
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