Biographies are boring, so... let me tell you that the picture you can see here, set as a background photo, has been taken by me in Tatry mountains ;) Also, dear stranger, if you ever happen to visit Bielsko, make sure to check the schedule of - the local web and mobile community.
Joined May 2012
Some cool stuff you should know about git #3
Radosław Jędryszczak
0 responses
tips, git, cherry-picking commits, reverting a remote commit
Some cool stuff you should know about git #2
Radosław Jędryszczak
4 responses
tips, git, checkout branches, git autocorrect
Some cool stuff you should know about git #1
Radosław Jędryszczak
0 responses
tips, git, comparing branches, recovering deleted commit
252 Karma
4,811 Total ProTip Views

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language

Attended the 2012 wroc_love.rb ruby conference.

Attended the 2012 Railsberry conference.

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Mongoose 3
Have at least three original repos where Ruby is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language