Popular Testing Programming Tips
Embedded Web Server for iOS UI Testing
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swift, http, ios, ui
How to post tweet on Twitter using NightmareJS
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Preflight check all projects using the free Microsoft SEO toolkit
Mark Rushworth
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Behavior-Driven Integration and Unit Testing
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cucumber, code, screencast, testing
Testing email based services with Gmail
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testing, email, debuging
Conflicting factories factory_girl & factory_girl_rails
Mathias Rong
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Generic Builder
Anthony Johnston
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testing, builder pattern
Headless capybara with selenium
Gatis Tomsons
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ruby, bash, testing, capybara
Script your Java with Groovy
Rick Mangi
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groovy, testing, java
How to test asynchronous JavaScript with Jasmine
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screencast, testing, spec, test-driven development
test uniqueness in your factories
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ruby, tdd, rails, validation
Automated integration tests for your Acceleo generators
Laurent Broudoux
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testing, maven, acceleo
Testing your web project using jqUnit
Pulkit Goyal
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jquery, web, test, testing
JavaScript Testing with Jasmine
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testing, spec, test-driven development, unit test
Testing Rails with Minitest
Mario Alberto Chavez
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tdd, rails, testing, minitest
Test AWS Cognito email verification codes with real email addresses
Jack Mahoney
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aws, cognito, email, testing
Interested in High-Speed Development?
Marko Klemetti
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sublime, testing, rspec, high-speed development
Integration tests vs. Bogus
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ruby, rspec, cucumber, software
Continuous Deployment to Nodejitsu
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testing, deployment, nodejs, nodejitsu
Clickable Links In Test Output
Anthony Johnston
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End to End Testing with Protractor
Arvind Ravulavaru
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How to set up RSpec
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ruby, rails, gem, testing
Unit Testing
Keith Williams
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testing, unit
Easy creating nested read-only objects
Łukasz Niemier
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ruby, tdd, testing, unit tests
Stubs vs Mocks: The difference
Daniel Rios
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testing, bdd, stubs, mocks