Popular Security Programming Tips
Scan your rails app for vulnerabilities using breakman
Greg Osuri
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rails, gems, security
Toying with the OS X ssh-agent
Félix Bellanger
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security, ssh, os x, capistrano
Block single IP on Ubuntu
Adam Stankiewicz
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security, unix, ubuntu
make the use of `curl <url> | sh` more secure
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shell, security, curl, bash
Legitimate uses of browsers' "porn mode"
Michel Billard
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security, browser, web development
CiviCRM clear CCs cached
Chris Burgess
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security, civicrm
Enable two-factor everywhere
Tom Mc Mahon
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security, 2fa
Secure Coding Initiative
Eudris Cabrera Rodriguez
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perl, security, java, c
OS X keeps track of every file you've ever downloaded
Robert May
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osx, security, mac, privacy
Heroku Announces Security Hall of Fame
Sydney Burns
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heroku, security, developer, hacking
Use two-factor auth but not with an app
Tom, Bom
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Prevent ajax requests from being intercepted
Chris Saylor
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security, ajax, javascript
Tech Talk on XHP - Facebook
Nathan Malcolm
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php, security, open source, facebook
fail2ban block log-in attempts wp-auth
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wp, wordpress, server ops, fail2ban
Check for Weak Credentials
Damian Tommasino
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mysql, security, linux
Matt Talley
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Check machine logins
Owain Lewis
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security, tips, machine login
Instalation Script for OpenVas 7
Chris Fernandez CEHv7, IACRB, Linux Engineer
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security, linux, hacking, arch
Make A Secure Page For WordPress
Daniel Blair
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security, wordpress
Avoid Cross Site Scripting
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php, security, development
Security tip, remember to password confirm email address changes
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security, cms, password
MySQL Credential Testing
Damian Tommasino
0 responses
php, python, mysql, security
online PDF viewing
Deden Fathurahman
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security, tips