Popular Script Programming Tips
Script: Resizing 9-patch for LDPI Android Phones
Javi Pacheco
0 responses
script, 9-patch, ldpi, android
Use vim to manipulate files in bash scripts
Jussi Kalliokoski
2 responses
shell, script, vim, scripting
Linux build script
3 responses
python, shell, script, linux
Recursively Expand Tabs to Spaces
0 responses
bash, script, find, tabs
Concatenate all files in a directory except for their individual first lines
Christos Delivorias
0 responses
script, concatenate, bash
Export Magento customer emails
Alexander Rashkov
0 responses
php, script, magento, customers
Creating a (lot of) DBLink in Oracle
Bruno "Clef"
0 responses
sql, oracle, db link, script
Web Workers simplified - webworq
Rich McNeary
0 responses
html, script, web, javascript
Automated Timestamped Nightly TAR Backups
0 responses
script, linux, backup, dropbox
Change you Unix user default shell
Hélder Vasconcelos
3 responses
shell, script, linux, unix
audible feedback for bash-scripts
Marco Tralles
1 response
console, script, mac, feedback
Fast multi-module maven builds
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
shell, script, development, maven
Remove SVN from your project
jay mabazza
1 response
php, script, svn, subversion
Shell `cd`replacement
Marin Usalj
1 response
mneorr, shell, script, bash
node.js project setup Script
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
script, setup, project, bash
Sublime Text 2 installer/uninstaller
Marco Trulla
0 responses
shell, script, sublime-text, linux
Ruby script for bulk deleting both local and remote Git tags
Robin van der Vleuten
1 response
ruby, script, cli, tags
Get IP + port from boo2docker
Balazs Nadasdi
0 responses
shell, script, boot2docker, docker
The oh-so-useful script command
Tony Schneider
0 responses
script, unix, typescript
Fabric for configuration changing
Vadim Lopatyuk
0 responses
python, script, django, fabric
bash alias to remove file name from working directory
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
zsh, terminal, script, snippet
Conditional (and colorful) comments for LaTeX drafting
Ferran Poveda
0 responses
script, latex, paper, writing
Script to count CSS rules & selectors
Michel Billard
0 responses
css, script
ZSH: The most badass config
Eduardo Martines
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, config
Shell Function to Download File
Jason Seney
2 responses
script, curl, bash