Popular Scala Programming Tips
Scala, AMQP & Play
Kishorekumar Neelamegam
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scala, play, amqp, rabbitmq
Wonderful ProgFun wiki
Ignasi Marimon-Clos
0 responses
scala, wiki, progfun, help
Building your Own Paas (BYOP) Using Megam Cloud
Kishorekumar Neelamegam
0 responses
scala, heroku, rails, programming
Import a typesafe activator template from the CLI
Jean Helou
0 responses
scala, sbt, typesafe, activator
Java Bean convention support in Scala
Eugene Ryzhikov
0 responses
scala, java beans
NGram extraction using Stackable traits in Scala
Jeroen Rosenberg
0 responses
scala, analysis, traits, ngrams
Foreach and counting in Scala
Alexandra Mirtcheva
0 responses
scala, iterators
Open Source Compiler Construction for the JVM
Tom Lee
0 responses
scala, slideshare, compiler, oscon
Chain Akka actor receive() methods using traits
0 responses
scala, akka, actors
Trully Either
Kostya Golikov
0 responses
Great set of cheat sheets
Kamil Michalak
0 responses
scala, opensource, git, java
concatenating Scala Option[T]
Erik Allik
0 responses
scala, option, monad
Scala cake pattern
eranga bandara
0 responses
scala, cakepattern, selftypedannotation
BlueEyes service metadata
Ben James
0 responses
scala, blueeyes
Emulate Python's try-else semantics in Scala
Erik Allik
0 responses
python, scala, try-catch-finally
Scala extractors simplified
Erik Allik
0 responses
scala, pattern matching, functional programming
0 responses
scala, akka
Play Framework Installation
Ahmed Al-Hashimi
0 responses
play, java, scala
ScalaTest matchers quick reference
Jose Miguel
0 responses
scala, reference, scalatest, matchers
Unique ID as Service - using snowflake.
Kishorekumar Neelamegam
0 responses
scala, riak, unique id, snowflake