Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
Sync Local and Production MongoDB Data
Sheharyar Naseer
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ruby, shell, heroku, unix
Runs rspec tests in subdirectories
Łukasz Korecki
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ruby, tdd, zsh, testing
SimpleCov: prevent coverage drop
Hannes Georg
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ruby, tdd, testing
Lower the Default ActiveRecord Connection Pool for Heroku Postgres
Dan Croak
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ruby, heroku, postgres
ActiveSupport's try does not like Ruby's method_missing
Kostas Karachalios
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ruby, rails, activesupport
RSpec stub for certain arguments only
Richard Worrall
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ruby, rails, stubbing, rspec
Scope Sequences in ActiveRecord
Austin Lin
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ruby, rails, active record
Underscore Trick in IRB/Rails Console
Eric Raio
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ruby, rails
Proper Typhoeus PUT request
Nick DeSteffen
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ruby, http, typhoeus
Running Sinatra Apps in Cloud9 IDE
Matthew Laver
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ruby, sinatra, cloud9 ide
Usando Capybara externamente para testes ou automação
Stefano Diem Benatti
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ruby, poltergeist, capybara, robot
Capistrano 3 invoke rake task remotely
Troy Martin
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rails, capistrano, remote, rake
Bundler binstubs makes rbenv rehash go away
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ruby, bundler, rails, rbenv
Ruby - Error on install libv8 in os x yosemite
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
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ruby, rails, osx, gem
Fix rvm permissions after a `sudo gem install`
Elia Schito
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permissions, rvm, sudo, fix
Run the Rails dev server in your Grunt task
Devon Campbell
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ruby, workflow, grunt
A quick and dirty url benchmarking script in Ruby
Adam Phillips
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ruby, http, benchmarking
Installing REE 1.8.7 with rvm on OSX Mountain Lion
Robert Bousquet
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osx, rvm, mountain lion, ree
Add custom keybindings to Vim by language
Christian Romney
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ruby, clojure, xmlblog, vim
Mime Detection on Ruby
Alif Rachmawadi
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ruby, mime
A basic multi-threaded processing loop
David Copeland
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ruby, jruby, oscon, threads
Quiet asset pipeline in development
Enrique Vidal
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ruby, rails
HTTP Caching with ActiveResource
Lacides Charris
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ruby, rails, caching, active_resource
List all gems without version numbers, and easily re-install them
Ivan Storck
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ruby, gems, sed