Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
RSpec Rails helper for cleaning ElasticSearch index
Oto Brglez
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ruby, elasticsearch, rspec
execute ruby scripts directly without bundler exec
Mike Mondragon
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ruby, bundler
Animated 3D Canvases & SVG's
Nicholas Jordon
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ruby, php, python, css
Problemas con OS X 10.8, Ruby, PostgreSQL, Rails y OpenSSL
Francisco Granados
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ruby, rails, os x, openssl
Rails with bcrypt-ruby makes encryption ONE LINE
Roger Lam
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ruby, rails, cipher, algorithm
if you'd like to download pictures from a tumblr blog I have a Ruby script for you
Andrey Kuchaev
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ruby, script, tumblr, downloader
RVM for PHP, enters PHPbrew
Mariz Melo
5 responses
php, rvm, phpbrew
Why use CoffeeScript?
Dominic Barker
10 responses
ruby, coffeescript, javascript, jasmine
Pry as default REPL (gem "pry")
Adam Stankiewicz
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ruby, irb, pry
compile vim with luajit
Oliver Mueller
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ruby, python, lua, vim
mini_racer 0.1.9 ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension
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ruby, gems, osx
Find non-ascii characters in a directory
Wojtek Kruszewski
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ruby, grep, ascii, utf8
Rendering rails partials as their HTML source
Mike Carter
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ruby, rails, code snippets, htmlentities
Paperclip force original image to resize on create
Marvin Marcelo
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ruby, rails, image, paperclip
VCR and MiniTest: Automatic cassette management gem
Mike Piccolo
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ruby, rails, testing, spec
First, *Rest: list processing in Ruby
Jed Schneider
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ruby, functional programming
Use a rake task to describe your Test::Unit tests
Jeremy Baker
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ruby, tdd, rails, testing
Measure Spec Execution Time
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
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ruby, rspec
mongoid counter_cache
Vinicius Quaiato
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ruby, rails, mongoid, counter
Sublime Text Ruby on Rails cheat sheets and snippets
Manu S Ajith
1 response
ruby, rails, sublime, ror
Filter out Bot Activity for the public_activity Gem
Matthew Spence
1 response
ruby, rails, events, tracking
Testing a Ruby Singleton
Paul Guelpa
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ruby, test, rspec
Boris Quiroz
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ruby, bootstrap, chef, ubuntu
Using RVM with Shebang
Slava Ptsarev
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ruby, rvm, bash, shebang