Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Getting Paperclip to work on your local machine
Tu Hoang
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ruby, localhost, rails, paperclip
find unused cucumber steps definitions
bruno coelho
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ruby, rails, test, cucumber
Khronos - Simple HTTP-based Job scheduling for the cloud
Endel Dreyer
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ruby, rails, open source, cron
Nifty last result in IRB ( result = _ )
Damon Aw
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rails, irb, rails console
Read nested object property ( t('a.b.c') ) via string in JS
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attributes, keys, hash, helper
Teaching ActiveSupport proper capitalisation
James Conroy-Finn
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ruby, rails
How to debug rails in IntelliJ on ubuntu
Jeroen Rosenberg
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rails, intellij, ubuntu
Sprockets manifest issues (when jumping between Rails 4/5)
Mr Rogers
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sprockets, rails, ruby
Push current branch to Heroku
Fernando Briano
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heroku, git
CSS Namespace for Rails and Assets Pipeline
Patricio Bruna
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css, rails
Nokogiri on Yosemite
Clayton McIlrath
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ruby, rails, mac, nokogiri
Ramon Roche
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ruby, rails, nginx, pry
Search string_to_array in Rails and PostgreSQL
Yacobus Reinhart
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activerecord, array, hstore, rails
Columns for serialized attributes in Rails models need to be type :text
Arthur Chang
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rails, serialized columns
Devise with Rails 4 and strong parameters
Josemar Luedke
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rails, devise, rails4, strong_parameters
Rails Email Protips
Gleb Mazovetskiy
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rails, email, actionmailer
adding a link_to helper to an id in the same page
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ruby, rails, on
cocoon gem quirk
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ruby, rails, gem, simple_form
Getting weather of any city with Ruby
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, yml, rails, json
Ruby geocoder settings
Alex Chernyshev
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rails, geocoder
How to deploy a node.js app from GitHub to Heroku
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heroku, testing, nodejs, continuous deployment
Detecting Rails migrations before you deploy
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ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy
Multiple user roles for Rails
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rails, gem, roles, user
Autocomplete with rails and select2
Jan Bernacki
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rails, select2
Open Rails spec files as "RSpec" by default (Sublime Text 2/3)
Thomas Klemm
1 response
rails, plugin, syntax, rspec