Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
will_paginate and Ajax
Jeroen Rosenberg
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ruby, rails, ajax, pagination
Rails custom validator for Paperclip image dimensions
Agis Anastasopoulos
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rails, paperclip
Recipe: Using VCR for specs
Josh Teng
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ruby, tdd, api, testing
Ask wikipedia from command line using Ruby
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, wikipedia
Count occurrences of uniques in ruby
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ruby, rails, ror, array
How to add Callbacks to Rails Concern
Rafael Oliveira
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rails, callbacks, activemodel, concerns
Django static files... catching the unicorn
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heroku, django, s3, amazon
Legacy database, Single table inheritance and Ruby on Rails
Patrick Strang
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ruby, rails, ror, database
Meteor RESTful authentication
Sean Yang
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ruby, php, rails, meteor
Installing Rails on OSX Mavericks
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ruby, rails, osx, rbenv
Custom Carrierwave Processors with Minimagick
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails, carrierwave
Headless javascript tests in rails
Enrique Vidal
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ruby, coffeescript, rails, evergreen
Use multiple databases with heroku
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rails, heroku, databases
Yet another Mobile First CSS Framework
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css, responsive, rails, html
Ruby on Rails Interview questions
Rohit Trivedi
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ruby, rails, ruby interview questions, rails interview questions
Getting Guard out of interactive mode in Foreman
Arthur Chang
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ruby, rails, gems
Full-text search in Ruby with picky
Emmanuel Bourgerie
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rails, full text search, picky
Upgrading your RoR environment for OS X Mavericks
Johnny Rodgers
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rails, os x, upgrading
Rails authentication using Facebook
Tu Hoang
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rails, omniauth, authentication, omniauth-facebook
Rails, ActiveAdmin and CanCan
Jens Grassel
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ruby, rails, activeadmin, authorization
Lower your cost for speedy tests when using BCrypt
Nick DeSteffen
1 response
ruby, rails, bcrypt
Heroku PHP Worker
Wim Mostmans
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php, heroku, worker
Turbo Testing with Spring
Job van der Voort
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ruby, rails, cucumber, testing
Avoid repeating yourself with state_machine
Javier Toledo
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ruby, rails, state_machine, concerns
Ruby on Raspberry Pi
Ray Hightower
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ruby, rails, arm, raspberry pi