Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Wizard Form in Ruby on Rails
Behnam Ahmad khan beigi
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ruby, rails, ror, form
Importing latin1 data to MySQL is being truncated
Nuno Costa
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mysql, rails, charset, encoding
Cut down some seconds of your spec suite by removing database_cleaner
Felipe Elias Philipp
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ruby, rails, rspec, capybara
devise_invitable gem for sending invitation to user
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rails, rashmi14yadav, devise
Get correct remote_addr on Heroku with Flask
Corey Downing
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python, heroku, flask, remote_addr
Rails, Devise and Basic HTTP Auth, Oh My!
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rails, devise, http authentication
to_query - Hash to URL
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, tip
Generate an application with a specific Rails version
Pablo Torrecilla
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ruby, bundler, rails, rbenv
Make Rails ExecJS recognize nodejs
Snir David
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rails, node, nodejs, execjs
Excel Downloads for Rails Active Admin
Randy Morgan
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ruby, rails, axlsx, ooxml
Heroku + Rails build error: Specified 'postgresql' for database adapter, but the gem is not loaded.
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heroku, ruby, rails, postgres
State & Country Filters for ActiveAdmin
Matt Brewer
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ruby, rails, active admin, active-admin
Capistrano task for deploy compiled assets
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rails, capistrano, aws
travisci 'LoadError: cannot load such file -- rspec/core/rake_task'
Tom Cox
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ruby, rails, travis, rake
Start your rails environment faster!
Szymon Kieloch
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rails, development, skieloch, zeus
Inline sidekiq mailer + letter_opener
Tymon Tobolski
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ruby, rails, mailer, background
Authenticating Android clients with Devise and Google Apps
Brian Gesiak
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ruby, rails, android, java
Testing Rails model`default_scope` with RSpec
Matt Campbell
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rails, scope, rspec
Separating Procfile for development and production env
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heroku, development, production, foreman
Compare Graphql schemas for breaking changes
Youri van der Lans
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ruby, rails, graphql
Configuring Vagrant & Chef cookbooks, the right-way
Luiz Fonseca
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ruby, rails, unix, vagrant
Rails Session Store domain: :all bug
Luca Guidi
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ruby, patch, rails, session
NITROUS.IO Box with Cloud9 IDE Editor
Bernhard Millauer
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ruby, rails, nodejs, development
Fix for OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError in Rails 4 with JRuby
Irio Musskopf
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ruby, jruby, rails, cipher
Manage multiple AWS accounts with CLI (eb for Elastic Beanstalk)
Jónatan Rojas
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python, rails, push, cli