Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Encoding JSON in href using encodeURI, Rails parsing
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
0 responses
rails, json, href, jquery
Building up Hubot on Gtalk (deployed on Heroku)
Abhishek Das
5 responses
heroku, hubot, gtalk, github
Find missing translations in your Rails app.
Alexey Kuleshov
2 responses
ruby, rails, on
Config Induction for
Piermaria Cosina
0 responses
heroku, ror, postgres, errors
How to reload module without relaunch rails console.
0 responses
ruby, rails
clear cache of a Ruby on Rails association
David Rasch
0 responses
ruby, rails, cache, associations
Deploy Rails 4 app with Dokku on DigitalOcean
Jun Lin
0 responses
rails, dokku, digitalocean
Rails 4: before_filter and after_filter in your Mailers
Aditya Sanghi
0 responses
rails, rails4, mailers
How to stub save but run the callbacks in the ActiveRecord
Vojtěch Kusý
0 responses
activerecord, rails, rspec
require.js for rails projects
sergey kuchmistov
0 responses
ruby, rails, amd, javascript
The Popular Designmodo flat ui for Bootstrap in SASS
Michael Musgrove
0 responses
rails, bootstrap, design, sass
Docker + Fig + Rails on OS X
1 response
rails, osx, docker
MySQLDump of your Database
Rajeev N Bharshetty
0 responses
mysql, rails, backup, tip
Exclude any js file from uglifier optimization during assets:precompile
Andrew Volozhanin
3 responses
ruby, rails, assets
Rails 4 associations and #to_sql
Russell Norris
2 responses
activerecord, associations, rails4, rails 4
Why I chose Node.js over Ruby on Rails
Sagi Isha
3 responses
ruby, coffeescript, rails, nodejs
Deploying Rack apps on Ubuntu
Tore Darell
0 responses
ruby, rails, unicorn, rack
How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app from BitBucket to Heroku
0 responses
ruby, rails, heroku, testing
Fix Qt Webkit on Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite
Christian Schlensker
2 responses
rails, homebrew, qt, selenium
How to enable Strong Parameters protection for non-ActiveRecord models?
Vojtěch Kusý
0 responses
ruby, rails, strong parameters, mass-assignment protection
Set user agent for rspec controller tests
Troy Martin
0 responses
rspec, user agent, rails, controller spec
Running a Rake task during a Rails 4 deployment using Capistrano 3
Saul Costa
0 responses
rails, capistrano, rake, deploy
Rails4 Collection Check Boxes
Rafael Oliveira
0 responses
ruby, rails
Removing has_many links via ActiveAdmin
Kuba Bogaczewicz
1 response
rails, activeadmin
Messages translation for mongoid will help on fabrication/fixture investigation
Felipe Rodrigues de Almeida
0 responses
rails, mongoid, validations, messages