Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Python: hashlib and Unicode?
Alessandro Balzano
0 responses
python, unicode, hashlib
Run Selenium with latest Firefox versions
Emanuel Coelho
0 responses
selenium, firefox, python
Python: Remote debugging with pdb
Caio Ariede
3 responses
python, pdb
Python trick to read single line as CSV
Greg Roodt
2 responses
python, csv
selenium and cookies
0 responses
Vim: Checking Python code on the fly
Caio Ariede
0 responses
python, vim
Removing leading zeroes in Python's strftime
Scott Bradley
2 responses
python, mod, string formatting, datetime
How to install OpenERP 8.0 Alpha on a fresh Debian / Ubuntu server.
Benoit C. Sirois
17 responses
python, openerp, business, ubuntu
Python dict to object
Lachezar Yankov
0 responses
python, structure, object, dict
Pretty print json responses returned by curl requests in command line
Alexandru Topliceanu
0 responses
python, cli, api, curl
Fixing Ansible Python 2.6 dependency on for (RHEL|CentOS) 5
4 responses
python, devops, ansible
The Monty Hall Problem in Python
Julius Santos
1 response
python, the monty hall problem, exercise, challenge
Uploading to s3 returns SignatureDoesNotMatch
2 responses
python, heroku, s3, flask
Getting Django URL Patterns to Play Nicely with Angular's $routeProvider
Beshr Kayali
1 response
python, django, angularjs
How to create a separate config file with flask
2 responses
python, config, configuration, flask
Ouput a CSV of a Pandas Dataframe in Flask without tempfile
0 responses
python, flask, csv, pandas
Extracting email addresses
Dennis Ideler
0 responses
python, email extraction
Pass a QueryDict to a Django QuerySet
Franco Mariluis
0 responses
python, django
SQLAlchemy model to dictionary
0 responses
python, sql, json, flask
Autoformat python code PEP8 using Sublime
Harit Himanshu
1 response
python, sublime-text, pep8, auto-format
Running a specific test in python with nose
Markus Meyer
0 responses
python, nose, unittest
Run Django's runserver in supervisor
Simon Pantzare
3 responses
python, django, supervisor
Implementing a help command in Python Click
Scott Bradley
1 response
python, cli, click, help
setTimeout for python
Hasen el Judy
0 responses
python, settimeout