Popular Php Programming Tips
Optimize php: Put php session files in the ram for more performance.
Patrik Kernstock
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Less slow, case-insensitive, XPath lookups in PHP
Ryan Parman
0 responses
php, xml, xpath, translate
Drupal standalone scripts
Bryan Trudel
0 responses
php, drupal
PHP the right way
Mariz Melo
3 responses
CakePHP 3.0 - Use Collection to format tags as string divided by commas
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php, array, cakephp, collection
Disabling Silex controllers execution
Raphael Stolt
0 responses
php, cli, silex, cilex
How did I study for ZCE PHP 5.3
Daniel Gomes
0 responses
php, danielcsgomes, zce php 5.3, zce
Increase variable and use it at the same time: ++$foo
Ekrem Büyükkaya
2 responses
php, alternative syntax, counter variable
Hide login error message at your Wordpress
Pedro Henrique Candido
0 responses
php, wordpress
Vote: Saving Protips
Nicholas Jordon
2 responses
php, shell, mysql, css
Type Juggling in PHP
Miquel Brazil
0 responses
php, web development, json, coding
What's your preferred method for returning multiple values?
Trevor N. Suarez
3 responses
php, array, list, opinion
Contact Form in Symfony with SwiftMailer
0 responses
php, symfony
To gain kudos is to earn respect and recognition
Tim Pietrusky
0 responses
php, css, html, kudos
Get to know ZMQ
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
ruby, php, python, unix
HTTP-Header based l10n
Malte Bublitz
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php, l10n, i18n, maltebublitz
Basecamp API Query
Brendan Murty
0 responses
php, api
Run composer install after git merge
Radosław Mejer
0 responses
php, composer, git
Toggle WordPress toolbar on hover
Michael Musgrove
0 responses
php, webdesignpop, wordpress
Howto: CakePHP on Heroku
JD Isaacks
0 responses
php, heroku, cakephp