Newest P Hp Programming Tips
Run scripts on Linux/Ubuntu every few seconds, faster than Cron can do it.
Ivan Đurđevac
4 responses
php, linux, cron, ubuntu
Full power of n:class in Latte templates
Vojtěch Dobeš
0 responses
php, templates, latte, nettefw
CakePHP 3.0 HasAndBelongsToMany Input Broken on Edit
Kevin Alford
0 responses
php, cake, associations, habtm
Zend Optimalizer+ for php 5.4 and Windows
Martin Sadovy
0 responses
php, opcache, zend optimalizer
Php 5.4 chef recipe for ubuntu
0 responses
php, chef, php54
Chef phpdaemon recipe for ubuntu
0 responses
php, chef, phpdaemon
Twig Filter Escaping
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
php, twig
Increase variable and use it at the same time: ++$foo
Ekrem Büyükkaya
2 responses
php, alternative syntax, counter variable
Shellscript para programadores php - parte 1
Claudson Oliveira
0 responses
php, shellscript
PHP PDO is overrated
Alexandru G.
0 responses
php, pdo
Toggle WordPress toolbar on hover
Michael Musgrove
0 responses
php, webdesignpop, wordpress
Complex database migrations with PHP/MySQL using Phinx
Adrian Imfeld
2 responses
php, mysql, sql, migration
HTTP status codes
Alexandru G.
0 responses
ruby, php, http, ietf
Redirect on .htaccess to index.php running twice
Fredy Lievano
0 responses
php, htaccess, .htaccess, redirect
Widget title on before_widget tag class
Leonardo Prado
3 responses
php, widgets, filters, wordpress
Optimize php: Put php session files in the ram for more performance.
Patrik Kernstock
0 responses
php, linux, performance, unix
Composer install without composer.json
Adrian Imfeld
0 responses
php, composer
Heroku PHP Worker
Wim Mostmans
0 responses
php, heroku, worker
Passing Request URI into Request Header
Julian Lannigan
0 responses
php, coldfusion, request, url
Regex operators made non greedy
Yuriy Golobokov
0 responses
ruby, php, regex, code
Building/Updating your resume, easier than you might think
Nicholas Jordon
2 responses
ruby, php, css, resume