Popular P Hp Programming Tips
atoum : The modern, simple and intuitive PHP 5.3+ unit testing framework
0 responses
php, tdd, unit test, atoum
Store PHP Session variables in database rather than filesystem
Dave Chenault
1 response
php, database, load balancing, sessions
Creating base64 test files
Trevor N. Suarez
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php, shell, test, unix
Launch a quick PHP web-server for dev/tests
Peter Peterson
1 response
php, cors, quick, ajax
Make a Phing task private (non-executable)
Raphael Stolt
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Switch between PHP versions on Ubuntu
Tanmay Khedekar
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php, ubuntu
Reading a 2GB text file ( php vs nodejs ) - comparison with a story
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Chuck Norris In Your Terminal
Nicholas Jordon
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php, git, funny, bash
Phing: watch over files changes
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php, bash, phing
PHP Reflection is your friend
jesse von doom
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php, documentation, reflection
RESTful API framework
Bassem Dy
1 response
php, rest, api, framework
SOLID - OOP Principles to Programming
Jesse Reese
0 responses
php, development, programming, coding
Building/Updating your resume, easier than you might think
Nicholas Jordon
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Enable PHP development in Fedora 18
Álvaro Peña
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php, linux, apache, fedora18
6 Ways To Make Money With Your Code
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php, programming, wordpress, laravel
Setting Values using RecursiveArrayIterator::offsetSet
Miquel Brazil
2 responses
php, json, methods, iterators
To initiate php unit tests with LiipFunctionalTestBundle on the command line.
Matthew Harmon
0 responses
php, symfony, phpunit, symfony2
Vagrant LAMP provisioned CentOS 6.5 Box
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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php, mysql, linux, apache
Simple Website Online Script
Zach Queal
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php, site online check
PHPUnit best practices
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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php, code, best, practices
Find similar functions between different programing languages
Mariz Melo
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ruby, php, python, perl
Webserver using only PHP
Danny Morabito
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php, webserver, bash, simpliest php webserver
CSS = LESS + Optimization + Minification
Alonso Mendez
0 responses
php, css, css optimization, css minification