Popular Osx Programming Tips
Swift REPL in terminal
Michael Kohl
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terminal, ios, osx, swift
Mongo deamon, localhost connection and node on OSX Maverick
0 responses
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Default Location for new Documents shouldn't be iCloud
Frank Louwers
0 responses
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Fix Postgres after installing Yosemite
Dorian Karter
0 responses
sql, osx, postgres, postgresql
Ocultar icono de Google Notifications
José Iván López
0 responses
chrome, osx
Login Lag on Macbook
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
osx, mac
java 7 Files#probeContentType on OS X
Jean Helou
0 responses
osx, java
Screen Sharing for the Terminal
Steven Reid
0 responses
shell, osx, linux, collaboration
Mac OSX, homebrew & Python: Creating Virtual Environments
Abu Ashraf Masnun
0 responses
python, osx, mac, virtualenv
Send Output to Clipboard (OS X)
Max Woolf
1 response
terminal, osx, pbcopy, keys
Objective-C Properties
Matt Massicotte
0 responses
ios, osx, clang, objective-c
Application shortcut for commandline on OSX
Valter Martinek
0 responses
xcode, alias, osx, bash
Recursively Remove Pesky .DS_Store Files
Andrew Bigger
0 responses
osx, mac, bash, ds_store
Repeat your last shell command.
Adam Bedell
1 response
shell, osx, command line, linux
Emacs 24 OS X Fullscreen Keyboard Shortcut
Ryan C
0 responses
emacs, osx
Bootable USB from ISO on OSX
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
osx, usb, bootable, iso
emoji terminal prompt experiment
0 responses
zsh, osx, cli, emoji
Adobe Flash Player OSX "Process not Elevated" workaround
Larry Williamson
0 responses
osx, flash, sudo, elevate
Add lines as Reminders
Carlos Fonseca
0 responses
osx, todo, applescript, automator
Link OSX /Users to /home without rebooting
Marin Usalj
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, mneorr
Mobile AirPlay setup
Tom, Bom
0 responses
Fix top-posting in mail.app
Rafał Malinowski
0 responses
osx, mac, apple, mailapp
Show OSX download history
Mauro Barincelli
0 responses
terminal, osx
Customize your command line prompt!
JD Isaacks
0 responses
terminal, osx, command line, bash