Maximize Your Operating System
Endlessly tweak your operating system to your taste.
Some git basic commands
shiva kumar
0 responses
github, git, linux
Dual-booting OS X and Ubuntu 16.04 on Macbook Pro 10,1 with Encrypted Root
1 response
ubuntu, os x, dual-boot
Docker Setup on Mac behind Corp Proxy
Jason Solis
0 responses
mac, proxy, docker
sshuttle "on" Windows
KS Chan
1 response
vpn, windows, sshuttle
Enable middle button scroll in Firefox on Ubuntu
1 response
firefox, scroll, ubuntu, middle button
Export oVirt VM to qcow2 image file
Patricio Bruna
3 responses
linux, virtualization, kvm, qcow2
enable USB and CDROM in windows registry
0 responses
windows, registry
Searchable RegEx Cheat Sheet
James Barnett
0 responses
regex, linux, cheatsheet, bash
Tar & untar on OSX & Linux with Progress bars
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, osx, linux
Auto-attach or start tmux at login
Michael Robinson
1 response
tmux, linux
Fixing arrow keys in iTerm 2
Philip Vasilchenko
0 responses
console, terminal, macosx, hotkeys
Looking at HTTP requests using tcpdump
Dmytro Yashkir
1 response
linux, http, tcpdump
Show/Hide hidden files in MacOSX finder
Bashir Eghbali
2 responses
osx, mac, finder
Proxy http traffic through your server using SSH on Mac OS X
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
mac, proxy, ssh, unix
OS X Mavericks – From a clean install to working Ruby on Rails environment
Tadej Murovec
8 responses
ruby, os x, install, trim
Use multiple versions of php with homebrew
Rifat Nabi
8 responses
php, mac, homebrew, brew
retrieving an APT signing key by URL
Andrei Dziahel
4 responses
linux, debian, apt, ubuntu
Installing etckeeper to store config with autopush to git in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Jon Peck
1 response
version control, best practices, git, ubuntu
how to install downloaded ruby tarball by ruby-install
0 responses
ruby-install, ruby, brew, mac
Install node on ubuntu using ansible
Lorin Hochstein
0 responses
node, ubuntu, ansible
List only NFS file handles
Justin 'J' Lynn
0 responses
networking, operations, nfs, linux
ddclient + no-ip
Pablo Reyes
0 responses
linux, ddclient, no-ip, ddns
rvm + oh-my-zsh + zsh + iTerm2
Serg Podtynnyi
1 response
ruby, shell, zsh, mac
Keybindings for MacOSX users on iTerm2
Willy Barro
5 responses
macosx, cursor, iterm, option delete
Setting max file descriptors and other limits with upstart on debian/ubuntu
Rich Paret
2 responses
debian, ubuntu, upstart, ulimit