Maximize Your Operating System
Endlessly tweak your operating system to your taste.
'cat' with syntax highlighting
Osvaldo Zonetti
1 response
shell, alias, cli, linux
Progress bar with compression
Alan Ivey
2 responses
terminal, linux, progress, compression
Vim oriented keyboard setup for Mac
Benjamin Harris
2 responses
osx, vim, keyboard, mac
use subl to call sublime text 2 from git bash on Windows
Jupiter St John
0 responses
sublime text 2, bash, windows, git bash
How to setup rails app on a mediatemple (dv)
Tom Caflisch
4 responses
ruby, rails, mediatemple, linux
Use tmux for a poor man's daemon
0 responses
daemon, hack, linux, tmux
Delete files/folders with long paths on Windows
Ciro Nunes
3 responses
npm, windows, ntfs
Guest Samba access on Mac OS X
Samuel Williams
0 responses
darwin, configuration, linux, mac os x
Generate Morse code WAV files on the Linux CLI.
Kerrick Long
0 responses
cli, linux, cw, morse code
How to install Ruby on Rails on Windows
0 responses
ruby, rails, install, windows
Use virt-install to rapidly deploy KVM guests
Paul Maunders
0 responses
linux, virtual machine, centos, libvirt
Expose shadowsocks to homebrew by Polipo
Jeff Li
0 responses
mac, homebrew
Postfix silent install on Ubuntu
0 responses
postfix, ubuntu
Update GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
0 responses
debian, gpg, packages, key
Installing PHPUnit on Windows
Vince Verberckt
2 responses
php, windows, phpunit
Redis can't save in background
Boris Quiroz
1 response
redis, kernel, linux, overcommit_memory
Make symlink on Windows in a GIT repo
KS Chan
0 responses
git, windows, symlink
Chromium behind a proxy (with PAC file) in Lubuntu 12.10
Enrique Cuevas
0 responses
proxy, unix, lubuntu, ubuntu
Show load averages in tmux status bar
Michael Robinson
1 response
linux, tmux
Run Node.js as a Service on Ubuntu
Chungsub Kim
0 responses
daemon, service, nodejs, ubuntu
Print out todos from
Larry Staton Jr.
0 responses
mac, applescript
Observing NSView Bounds
Rizo Isrof
0 responses
cocoa, os x, notifications
meet Chocolatey the apt-get for Windows (kind of)
Jupiter St John
0 responses
shell, chocolatey, cmd, windows
Bash/Shell script quick cheat sheet
0 responses
shell, script, tips, testing