Maximize Your Operating System
Endlessly tweak your operating system to your taste.
Generic Linux system-access banner
Rob Jens
0 responses
security, linux, ssh, monitoring
Node.js module `os` examples
Philipp Gayret
0 responses
os, javascript, windows, nodejs
Beware of [NSString hash]
Dennis Wilson
0 responses
cocoa, macosx, objc, nsstring
Sending files over network with 'netcat'
Osvaldo Zonetti
0 responses
shell, cli, linux, unix
Adding Console2/ConsoleZ to folder context menus
7 responses
menu, windows, context, registry
How to disable the right click on Gnome Desktop
Patricio Bruna
0 responses
gnome, linux, desktop, pos
Set-up Qt for Android dev on Ubuntu
Mariano Finochietto
0 responses
android, qt, ubuntu
A guide to install GitLab >6.0 on Debian 7 "Wheezy"
Lorenzo Novaro
0 responses
nginx, debian, git, gitlab
Remove all gems
Damian Tommasino
3 responses
ruby, rails, linux
Setting PATH in crontab
Aleš Farčnik
0 responses
os x, cron, crontab, path
Postgres on Yosemite
Clayton McIlrath
5 responses
ruby, rails, gem, mac
Sync Sublime Text 2 settings with Dropbox
Steve Halford
4 responses
osx, macosx, mac, dropbox
Auto-Increment Xcode Build
Jeffrey Jackson
2 responses
xcode, mac, ipad, iphone
linux - mirror an entire website locally
John Antoni Griffiths
0 responses
wget, linux
Build llvm/clang on Linux
2 responses
linux, llvm, clang
Save bash history in syslog on CentOS
0 responses
security, linux, bash, syslog
Ubuntu - Installing Octave, Fortran 77 error
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
ubuntu, octave
XFCE With Headless AWS EC2
Ivan Sim
0 responses
ec2, aws, xfce, ivanhcsim
Live remote traffic via with Logstalgia
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
ssh, nginx, linux, logstalgia
Installing Asterisk 11 with WebRTC / Websockets for Mandriva
Matthew Gladman
0 responses
linux, asterisk, websockets, asterisk 11
Linux and (Bash) Shell: Basics
3 responses
shell, linux, bash
Sync iTunes via rsync to a NAS when it’s content changes
Stefan Imhoff
2 responses
macosx, plist, itunes, rsync
quickly build native ruby packages with fpm + rbenv
Sam Halicke
1 response
ruby, rbenv, centos, debian
Installing rmagick 2.13.1 in MacOS X Mavericks
1 response
ruby, rails, osx, mac