Installing PHPUnit on Windows
This article is written because installing PHPUnit on Windows is a pain. I assume PHP is already installed and already added to your environment variables.
1. Create a folder and download git projects in the folder
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
2. Open the php.ini and configure the include_path, this is an example of me. PROTIP: Look closely at the paths.
include_path = ".;F:/softwaredev/UniServer/home/us_pear/PEAR;F:/softwaredev/UniServer/lib;F:\softwaredev\UniServer\lib\phpunit;F:\softwaredev\UniServer\lib\php-code-coverage;F:\softwaredev\UniServer\lib\php-file-iterator;F:\softwaredev\UniServer\lib\php-invoker;F:\softwaredev\UniServer\lib\php-text-template;F:\softwaredev\UniServer\lib\php-timer;F:\softwaredev\UniServer\lib\php-token-stream;F:\softwaredev\UniServer\lib\phpunit-mock-objects;F:\softwaredev\UniServer\lib\phpunit-selenium;F:\softwaredev\UniServer\lib\phpunit-story"
3. Copy the include_path to your php-cli.ini for running tests at the commandline
4. Open the phpunit folder that you checked out, and open the bat file in an editor.
if "%PHPBIN%" == "" set PHPBIN="C:\WampDeveloper\Components\Php\php.exe"
if not exist "%PHPBIN%" if "%PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN%" neq "" goto USE_PEAR_PATH
"%PHPBIN%" -d safe_mode=Off "C:\Users\branko\Server\lib\PHPUnit\phpunit.php" %*
5. Add the phpunit folder where the bat file is located to your environment variables.
Tests can now be run from the commandline :-)
Written by Vince Verberckt
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2 Responses

Installing PHPUnit on Windows is as easy as downloading and running it via "php phpunit.phar".
BTW: You're instructing your readers to install development versions of PHPUnit (that require PHP 5.4) without telling them about it.
over 1 year ago

For reference: The new download location for the phar is:
over 1 year ago
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