Popular Objective C Programming Tips
iOS - application background workflow
Noval Agung Prayogo
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ios, objective-c
Creating new bindings for MonoMac and making your MonoMac app updateable
Maurício Linhares
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osx, csharp, mono, monomac
Objective C todon't
Kiran Gangadharan
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programming, objective-c
Htain Lin Shwe
0 responses
Create properties with a sane default state
Michael Morrison
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Matthew Teece
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ios, objective-c
iPhone - How to Resign the Keyboard
Geek Mohammad
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objective-c, ios, xcode, iphone
Objective-C literals
Jure Žove
0 responses
objective-c, literals syntax
Know which xib uses an image
Roman Gille
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xcode, objective-c
Variadic Functions in Objective-C
Alex Boyd
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ios, objective-c
autoheight text
Cristian Díaz
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objective-c, ios
TDD in iOS
Raphael Oliveira
0 responses
tdd, unit-test, objective-c, ios
F***ing Objective-C Block Syntax
Rudy Jahchan
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objective-c, blocks
Twitter, Facebook time formatter
Chien Shuo Huang
0 responses
twitter, facebook, ios, objective-c
how to console UIFont family names
Cristian Díaz
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objective-c, ios
check whether iOS version is equal or greater that X version
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objective-c, ios
Long bug
Andrew Shmig
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objective-c, appcode, long data type
iOS - Invoking Blocks
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Javascript a||b equivalent in Objective-C is a?:b
Arnaud Coomans
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testing, ios, objective-c
Don't use NSLog all the time.
william sherif
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ios, c, objective-c
layoutView and NSData
Pierre Larochelle
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iOS - Extending Class
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Autocorrecting a UITextField
Rohit Kotian
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