Popular Objc Programming Tips
dispatch_release is no longer needed in iOS 6 with ARC
Francis Chong
0 responses
objc, ios6, ios
Remove all view gesture recognizers
Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga
0 responses
objc, uigesturerecognizer
Beware of [NSString hash]
Dennis Wilson
0 responses
cocoa, macosx, objc, nsstring
OS X: Systemwide VIM Bindings
Luis Nell
0 responses
cocoa, emacs, osx, vim
Loop through ObjC properties to serialize an object
Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga
0 responses
objc, serialize, ns_coding
Testing Singletons in iOS with Kiwi
Richard S
0 responses
ios, objc, ipad, iphone
Sharing multiple images on Facebook with Sharekit on iOS
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
objective c, objc, facebook, social
New XCode 4.6.1 Corrupts Provisioning Profiles
Ivan Ramirez
0 responses
xcode, objc
Compiler differences between Obj-C and Obj-C++
Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler
0 responses
mac, objc, corefoundation, ios
SBRXCallbackURLKit: Easily add x-callback-url support to your app
Sebastian Rehnby
0 responses
cocoa, objc, cocoapods, objective-c
Podfile ruby syntax highlight in vim
Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga
0 responses
ruby, vim, objc, cocoapods
Evernote/Thrift md5 decoding
Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler
0 responses
cocoa, objc, md5, evernote
Easy iOS/Mac Asynchronous Unit Testing
C. Bess
0 responses
mac, objc, unit test, ios
How to use CocoaPods with SpriteBuilder
Donald Ness
0 responses
ios, objc, games, cocoapods
Useful resources for iOS developers
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
ios, frameworks, objc, iphone
Simplify your nil checking code
Toan Nguyen
0 responses
cocoa, ios, objc, nil
iOS 7 upgrade tip
Pierre Larochelle
1 response
objc, ios7
NSClassExists makro
Dominique d'Argent
0 responses
cocoa, osx, objc, ios
WSMLogger: An NSLog replacement for Debugging Multithreaded code
Cristian A Monterroza
0 responses
objc, cocoapods, nslog, cocoalumberjack
New XCode 4.6.1 Corrupts Provisioning Profiles
Ivan Ramirez
0 responses
xcode, objc
Output a list of methods available to a class
Kishyr Ramdial
0 responses
ios, mac, objc
Displaying all 23 tips
Recent Activity
How to use CocoaPods with SpriteBuilder
Donald Ness
ios, objc, games, cocoapods
WSMLogger: An NSLog replacement for Debugging Multithreaded code
Cristian A Monterroza
objc, cocoapods, nslog, cocoalumberjack
Remove all view gesture recognizers
Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga
objc, uigesturerecognizer
Testing Singletons in iOS with Kiwi
Richard S
ios, objc, ipad, iphone
iOS 7 upgrade tip
Pierre Larochelle
objc, ios7
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