Popular Migration Programming Tips
Creating Foreign Key in Laravel Migrations
4 responses
laravel, migration, foreign key
Complex database migrations with PHP/MySQL using Phinx
Adrian Imfeld
2 responses
php, mysql, sql, migration
3 Step Migration for moving columns with data to a new table
Richard Lau
4 responses
mysql, rails, postgres, migration
How to clone all branches and tags between remote git repositories
Lucas Eagleton
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branch, migration, git
How to redo a Rails database migration
Matthew Lenton
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rails, migration, redo, force
How to Migrate Database from Heroku to Postgresql RDS (Amazon)
Rafael Oliveira
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heroku, postgres, migration, database
WordPress multisite migration checklist
Austin Ginder
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migration, checklist, multisite, wordpress
Using UUID instead of ids with Postgres and Rails
Pavel Pravosud
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rails, postgres, migration, uuid
Sequel migration Rake tasks
Lennart Fridén
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ruby, migration, database, rake
From 4.2 to 5.0 Rails migration [Part 1]
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rails, migration, rails-5
ActiveRecord create, drop and migrations without Rails
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ruby, rails, migration
Script to ensure added migration files are not missed from commit
Bashir Eghbali
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rails, git hook, migration, gist
Clean South app migration reset
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python, django, migration, south
Could not resolve hostname
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postgres, migration, dns, alembic
Migrating from SVN to Git
Raja Cherukuri
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migration, subversion, git
Avoid ActiveRecord "Unknown column 'table.column' in 'field list'" exception between dropping the column and application restart
Tomasz Werbicki
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rails, activerecord, migration, database
node-migrator-bot and Pull Requests
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migration, npm, node-migrator-bot, pull
Rails migration VERSION fetcher
Ben Simpson
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rails, migration, rake, version
Ruby on Rails: Directly add an index to a column when generating a migration
Yannis Jaquet
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Efficiency in Development Workflows: Deployment Pipelines and Zero Downtime Deployment
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Migrate Subversion to Git
Bart Bakker
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migration, subversion, git
Sharepoint Migration with RMS files
Gilberto Ramirez
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sharepoint, migration
SSH to Speed-Up Wordpress & Joomla Migration
John jensen
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php, terminal, osx, joomla
Easily migrate heavy databases between servers
0 responses
shell, mysql, unix, migration
update rails test DB after a running a migration
0 responses
shell, rails, alias, migration
Recent Activity
Migrate Postges Table
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ActiveRecord create, drop and migrations without Rails
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From 4.2 to 5.0 Rails migration [Part 1]
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How to Migrate Database from Heroku to Postgresql RDS (Amazon)
Rafael Oliveira
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Rails Migration To Update postgress array column
Dave Schwantes
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