Popular Linux Programming Tips
SSH経由でIPython Notebookにリモートアクセスする方法
0 responses
python, linux, ssh, notebook
cPanel VPS: disable mod_security for an account
Luigi Mozzillo
0 responses
linux, ssh, vps, cpanel
Remove all docker images/containers
Stephane Paul
1 response
linux, unix, docker
vim Plugin For Puppet Scripts
Ivan Sim
0 responses
puppet, vim, linux, ivanhcsim
Querying the dd command
2 responses
linux, unix, dd, dump disks
How to share a folder between 2 servers with NFS
1 response
linux, share, nfs, remote folder
Change you Unix user default shell
Hélder Vasconcelos
3 responses
shell, script, linux, unix
Adding custom logger : apache
Madhu GB
0 responses
php, linux, debugging, apache log
Optimize php: Put php session files in the ram for more performance.
Patrik Kernstock
0 responses
php, linux, performance, unix
Make application symbolic links relative paths
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
link, linux, symbolic, absolute
Unzip with tar in different destination
Arindam Chakraborty
2 responses
linux, tar, command line switches
What does this java process actually do?
Alex Heusingfeld
0 responses
shell, linux, troubleshooting, java
Install VMWare tools (Ubuntu / Debian)
Scott Horsley
0 responses
virtualisation, vmware, linux, ubuntu
Setting up PostgreSQL for Ruby on Rails on Linux
Tobias Pfeiffer
0 responses
ruby, rails, gem, linux
Random Encouragement
Jason Rogers
3 responses
linux, mac, random, cron
Simple CMake project
0 responses
osx, linux, c, cmake
Hostname resolution in Fedora 18
Álvaro Peña
1 response
apache, linux, hostname, fedora18
Use GNU Stow for your dotfiles
Brian Graham
0 responses
linux, unix, dotfiles, git
Bash Auto-Completion Doesn't Work With XFCE 4.10
Ivan Sim
0 responses
linux, xfce, ivanhcsim
Como instalar Zurmo CRM usando Ubuntu, Nginx y MariaDB
0 responses
linux, nginx, admin, mariadb
Dbus for a better world
0 responses
linux, java, go, dbus
Installing Oracle JDK on linux
ADIO Kingsley O
1 response
oracle, linux, jdk, java
External IP address from Terminal to clipboard
Pablo Dias
0 responses
shell, terminal, alias, linux
Disconnect Dead SSH session
0 responses
ssh, unix, linux, ubuntu
Lighttpd + Jetty with mod_proxy
Erik Nelson
0 responses
linux, lighttpd, jetty, java