Popular Js Programming Tips
Example of using Algolia search with Angular.js
0 responses
js, angular, algolia
Sort optionlist alphabetically $Plugin
Ion D. Filho
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.net, js, jquery, javascript
Jasmine - Create multiple tests case with a set of data
Jerome Freyre
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javscript, testing, unit test, unit
Add a js to your module on prestashop
Pablo Vicente
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css, js, module, javascript
Get current URL parameters as hash (JS)
Allan Smith
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jquery, js, ajax, javascript
ExternalInterface#call in a deadly loop (__flash__toXML)
3 responses
js, flash, backbone, coffescript
Using RequireJS Map Config with Text Plugin
Caleb Troughton
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js, amd, requirejs
Pretty Print
Mike Singleton
6 responses
chrome, js, devtools
Use weinre to inspect mobile browsers
1 response
css, console, debug, js
Adobe Edge Web Fonts
Oli Lisher
1 response
css, js, type, design
Amazing CSS3/HTML5 plugins
Juan Jose Alonso
2 responses
css, web, css3, js
very tiny PubSub using native browser methods
Anas Nakawa
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js, communication, javascript, pubsub
Faster item copy in Illustrator using scripting
Łukasz Wieczorek
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script, js, scripting, javascript
Refreshing the current url in BackboneJS
Edilberto Ruvalcaba
1 response
js, backbone, javascript
Page loader solution for AngularJS
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js, spa, javascript, angularjs
Make use of Web Workers
Fardin Koochaki
3 responses
web, js, front-end, javascript
Require.js will show you how wrong is your javascript
Raúl Barroso
1 response
js, requirejs, javascript
Testing if object is an instance of a class/function when constructor is not available in the scope
Aleksander Ciesiołkiewicz
0 responses
js, unit testing, javascript
Varnish cache metrics dashaboard
Patricio Bruna
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linux, js, varnish, varnish cache
Why AlloyFinger is so much smaller than hammerjs?
0 responses
js, javascript, gesture, alloyfinger
How to detect Firefox web apps support in mobile
Ismael González
4 responses
mobile, js, app, firefoxos
Bind instance to element with jQuerys data method
Tobias Otte
0 responses
js, frontend, instace, jquery
Add paramRoot support for your Rails Backbone app
Johny Ho
0 responses
ruby, rails, js, backbone
Writing dynamic function patcher for REST api on angularjs service
Igor Ivanovic
0 responses
angularjs, js, javascript, patcher
Try html/css/js snippet in your URL bar
Maxime Thirouin
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css, html, browser, js