iOS Development Tips
Codign tips to speed up your objective-c and swift development as well as your apps.
Using non-ARC Classes with ARC Projects
Lars Schwegmann
0 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, objective-c
Change UINavigationBar background color
Htain Lin Shwe
4 responses
ios, uinavigationbar
Stubbing async actions in Kiwi
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
testing, ios, objective-c, kiwi
Appledoc Xcode target
Arnaud Coomans
0 responses
documentation, xcode
Best way to build a iOS Static Framework
Juan Fernández Sagasti
0 responses
frameworks, library, static, ios
A quick pull-to-refresh implementation
Will Helling
0 responses
ios, objective-c
How to use SLRequest to make request on social network ?
Vincent Saluzzo
0 responses
ios, xcode, twitter, facebook
Full text search on iOS
Dominik Krejcik
0 responses
cocoa, ios, fulltext
How to easily rotate UIImageView 360°
Alex Hajdu
1 response
xcode, ipad, iphone, cocoa touch
ios "may only be called from the main thread"
0 responses
swift, ios
Rough Estimates of App Downloads
Elijah Murray
0 responses
ios, development, metrics, app store
Download files in Chrome for iOS
Hampus Persson
0 responses
chrome, ios, tech
iOS Colour Mixing Class
Sam Davies
0 responses
ios, colours, uicolor, uiview
Testing Async methods in Objective C with Kiwi
Marin Usalj
1 response
ios, osx, mneorr, bdd
RubyMotion review (Ruby for iOS)
Matt Aimonetti
0 responses
ruby, objective-c, ios, rubymotion
Simulate different Connection speeds
Luis Nell
1 response
xcode, osx, webdevelopment, network
.gitignore Template for Xcode
0 responses
cocoa, xcode, git, objective-c
Exporting Syntax Highlighted Objective-C as HTML
Max Howell
1 response
xcode, html, objective-c, syntax-highlighting
Smart App Banner support for Drupal in iOS 6
Chris Charlton
0 responses
ios, drupal, ipad, iphone
Useful Macros for iOS Project
Alessandro Maroldi
1 response
ios, xcode, debug, macro
Testing Singletons in iOS with Kiwi
Richard S
0 responses
ios, objc, ipad, iphone
Sharing multiple images on Facebook with Sharekit on iOS
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
objective c, objc, facebook, social
Targeting Retina Devices through CSS
Marcus Zanona
0 responses
css, ios, mobile, retina
Testing nibs (Kiwi, OCUnit, KIF, whatevs)
Adam Yanalunas
3 responses
cocoa, unittest, testing, kif