iOS Development Tips
Swift Cheat Sheet
Rob Phillips
0 responses
apple, cheatsheet, swift, ios
Search mechanism in iOS 8
Eugene Mozharovsky
0 responses
swift, ios 8, ios programming, uisearchcontroller
Swift Clean Code
0 responses
ios, xcode, swift, konstantinkoval
Objective-C round double to nearest 50
Matthew Teece
0 responses
rounding, ios, objective-c
Objective-C round 100ms NSTimeInterval to nearest 100
Matthew Teece
0 responses
ios, rounding, objective-c, nstimeinterval
Swift Immutable Model
0 responses
mode, clean, swift, konstantinkoval
integrate Crittercism iOS SDK using CocoaPods
Thomas Taschauer
2 responses
ios, xcode, cocoapods, crittercism
forEach on an Array in Swift
Wim Haanstra
1 response
extension, swift
AppStore-like buttons (Facet buttons)
Eugene Mozharovsky
0 responses
swift, ios 8, app store-like buttons, facet buttons
Simple XOR Encryption and Decryption in Swift (Playground Code)
Anthony Levings
1 response
xcode, utf-8, swift, xor
Open iOS Simulators directory in Finder
Cayley Humphries
0 responses
ios, xcode, iphone simulator
Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo.
Silvan Spross
0 responses
console, terminal, xcode, mac os x
ld: file not found: -lPods-*
Cayley Humphries
0 responses
xcode, cocoapods, objective-c, ios
Customizing NavigationBar
Eugene Mozharovsky
0 responses
uinavigationbar, swift, ios 8, uinavigationbar customizing
HEX colors in Swift
Anthony Shabanov
2 responses
swift, ios, hex color
macports selfupdate failed
0 responses
xcode, macports
RHAddressBook - Saving a Contact
0 responses
objective-c, ios, rhaddressbook, addressbook
Swift project ToolKit
0 responses
swift, libs, konstantinkoval
Async code in Swift
0 responses
ios, swift, konstantinkoval
UICollectionView: Set Initial ContentOffset
Robert Wünsch
1 response
cocoa touch, objective-c, uicollectionview
The infamous Safari blank page bug is still there in Yosemite and iOS 8
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
0 responses
ios, web development, safari, workflow
A minimal iOS app written in Swift
Xiahong (TT) Lin
0 responses
swift, ios
AFNetworking for all things online!
Dal Rupnik
0 responses
ios, osx, code, networking
UILabel's width to fit its content
Tu Hoang
0 responses
xcode, ios, uilabel, width
Self Sizing UITableViewCells
Isuru Nanayakkara
0 responses
ios, uitableviewcell